High on Fire/Goatwhore/Watch Them Die---Pix From Lansing, MI


Chief Ten Beers
Jun 25, 2004
In the Pabst Brewery
I don't have time to give a long winded review of the show. It kicked major ass, that is the long and short of it:kickass: Hung out with Matt Pike for a little while got him to sign my High on Fire and Sleep cds. I also chatted with Ben Falgoust of Goatwhore/Soilent Green for a while and he was a really cool guy. Goatwhore, in my opinion, stole the show. It was a great night. Enjoy the pics








:lol: that's my buddies arm.

You know I was representing shitty PBR beer also:kickass: . That bar is such a dive that you have to drink that shit. It does the job though and that is all that matters.
I don't know what's better in that one pic. The guys spikey arm band or the fact that someone has a hood and a winter hat on in the club. was it like 10 below inside the bar ?
karrokid said:
I don't know what's better in that one pic. The guys spikey arm band or the fact that someone has a hood and a winter hat on in the club. was it like 10 below inside the bar ?

That is a typical Michigan person. In the spring time you see people with hoodies, winter hat, sandals and shorts when it is only 40 degrees out.

@DD the guy smashed the mic in nose when he was freaking out on stage. I think he was pissed at the bass player for eating the last Fig Newton.
@DD the guy smashed the mic in nose when he was freaking out on stage. I think he was pissed at the bass player for eating the last Fig Newton.

Rumor is he broke his nose while doing the fig newton
it went something like this....

(scarey death metal music playing in background)
Oo-ee, gooey, rich and chewy inside.
Golden, flaky, tender cakey outside.
Wrap the inside in the outside.
Is it good?
Darn Tootin' Doin' the Big FIG NEWTON (here's the tricky part), the big FIG NEWTON (one more time!), the BIG FIG NEWTONNNNN! (whap he hit himself in the face with the mic)

a news story reported that metal kids in Michigan have begun scaring people on the streets of Lansing with the "newton dance" which seems to have replaced "the crane" from the karate kid.