Highcut on the master bus - second question for today

If other things in the chain like limiters/compressor further along can 'hear' that high, well...?

Good point, also one Neve discussed. Equipment was originally made to cut off where our hearing does, 20k. But he eventually came to the conclusion that maybe equipment shouldn't cut off at that point because after all, things do exist further beyond that point.
Also from: http://www.mercenaryeditions.com/me-1nv.shtml

One evening when Fletcher was at dinner with Rupert Neve, he told a story about a desk the original Neve™ had delivered to Air Sound in London. Apparently Geoff Emerick was working on the desk one evening when he heard one module that sounded different from the other modules in the desk. When they brought that module back to the Neve™ factory, they discovered that someone had omitted the installation of the load resistors on the input and output transformers, causing the transformers to ring somewhere in the vicinity of about 60 kHz.

Now, normally you wouldn't think humans could hear that high, but apparently we can. I guess we perceive this ringing as part of the harmonic structure, or it creates some phase shift down the line... the bottom line is that on some very airy and delicate sounds, you can indeed perceive a tonal difference when you remove the load from the transformers. By loading the transformers, you can also perceive a bit of 'toughness' to the sound... perhaps it's just the contrast to the 'unloaded' transformers, but there is an audible difference.
im guessing its the brain aliasing the waves sort of like early A/D converters did. Brain cant hear the frequencies above 20khz but they try to make sense of it and it effects the lower frequencies so it gives the impression of being audible.
I haven't tried messing with plugs to do this in a while since I usually go the hardware route but I think Sonnox EQ, Algorithmix EQ, Massenburg MDW, Angeltone all go past 20k, and I think I've seen a few FFT EQ's that do this but I can't remember the exact name of the plugs. Also, I'm not 100% sure about the plugs so don't go buy these without double checking!
I haven't tried messing with plugs to do this in a while since I usually go the hardware route but I think Sonnox EQ, Algorithmix EQ, Massenburg MDW, Angeltone all go past 20k, and I think I've seen a few FFT EQ's that do this but I can't remember the exact name of the plugs. Also, I'm not 100% sure about the plugs so don't go buy these without double checking!

I only know Sonnox EQ and that only goes to 20k ...

Yeah, 27k is pretty far up the frequency spectrum, past what supposively humans can't scientifically hear. I'd be surprised if there are many EQs that offer that.
Voxengo HarmoniEQ has that option too...goes up to 30k! Now my cat can hear my mixes better :D Just kidding...it did open up my little bit, but it need a very wide Q to make it happen..