Mixdown and Master Bus


Jul 4, 2009
Ok when its time to mixdown. Do you leave what you have on the Master bus (Parallel Compression) or do you turn it off. Just wondering as when i master with the mixed down fx on, it seems to pump alot.
Mixing and mastering are two separate processes. I could be "that guy" and say "send it out for mastering" but I know that's not what you wants to hear. I mix and master everything in the same session, because my CPU can handle it, and I always had a go to chain, but not so much anymore. Everybody gets caught up in their chains, presets etc etc and it becomes the norm and mixes usually come out sounding very similar and you don't notice much progression at all. Just don't limit yourself. Yeah you can track withnanlimiter on the 2bus for volume or whatever but now i always strip everything down. Mix first and give yourself headroom... If it's too quiet, turn your monitors up. Get the mix sounding as good as you possibly can and try different things. You'd be suprised at how much just one compressor can change your whole mix. After you have a well balanced mix, move onto mastering. You can do it in the same session, as stems or whatever you want. Hope that helps a bit.
I do it in 2 sessions, but sometimes slap a limiter on the mix set to destroy to see how mastering is going to ruin it.