highlights from amazon.com

My friend Chris, who loves Trivial Pursuit, played his girlfriend 7 times and lost every time... except the very last game which he won. He then quit the game and refuses to play with her ever again because he really wants to hold on to his "win" status.

I mention this because I suspect a similar situation with the pick up stix....
Baliset said:
this really really really really makes me want to just forget that the internet exists. i mean communication is great and all but seriously, people on the internet are really like crazy homeless people on the street. they WANT to share with you how crazy they are.
I have to agree, and sites that allow anyone to post their blatherings are basically an open invitation for assholes.
lizard, Zorn is Jewish, "Tzadik" is a Hebrew letter, and that label even has a series dedicated to Jewish Music. Remember that 'Kristallnacht' was the name given to that event by the Jews and not by the Nazis - thus the album is looking at that event from a Jewish point of view.
FuSoYa said:
My friend Chris, who loves Trivial Pursuit, played his girlfriend 7 times and lost every time... except the very last game which he won. He then quit the game and refuses to play with her ever again because he really wants to hold on to his "win" status.

I mention this because I suspect a similar situation with the pick up stix....

i do the same with me young brother when we play footy on playstation2.
FuSoYa said:
lizard, Zorn is Jewish, "Tzadik" is a Hebrew letter, and that label even has a series dedicated to Jewish Music. Remember that 'Kristallnacht' was the name given to that event by the Jews and not by the Nazis - thus the album is looking at that event from a Jewish point of view.

oh right.
it's one thing to denounce a stupidly written "review" and a whole different story to call and harrass said reviewer. not agreeing with a review and throwing a hissy-fit is just stupid.