Hit or Miss


Next person could do with an Erdinger or other German beer just now.

Fuck, I could, could I!!!! :kickass:

Next person wants octopus pizza for dinner :D

Funny you say that. I have spent part of the day looking for a large octopus, a copper pot, turnip leaves and a meat hook. Wanting confort food from back home, since Autumn is here.

And then realised the combined priced of all that would be far more than a Ryannair flight to Santiago de Compostela where I can have much better octopus than I can rustle up in my kitchen.

Now its the time to stick a bunny balancing pancakes on its head. :p As what I said probably does not make sense to anybody except my expat self. :(

next person is procrastinating their college homework because they are lazy mother fuckers like me
Hit I definately do like 90's Metal better that 80's. I hardly listen to any metal that is older than 1990 ;)
I just started with the new stuff and went backwards till the early-/mid-90s Melodic Death Stuff. (The newer In flames were my first "extreme metal" experiences(Cloud Connected really caught my attention when I heard it in Club)....now I like the old ones a lot better)
Same goes for AA: Started with WOOOS and first just went back till Versus The World....took me some time to really fall in love with with the first ones)

Back to topic :lol:

next person has got pretty long hair (50cm minimum ;))
Don't think it's that long. Comes down to a little below my shoulder blades, but then you have to consider proportions - I'm 6'5, so that's a fuckton of hair.

Next person thinks that 90s metal > 00s metal
Miss. This is an off topic thread to give the trolls some place to go so they don't mess up the actual AA threads. If you go back a page or two you will see where the retards come in and troll. This gives them a place to voice their moronic opinions and still keep the concert threads and what not fairly pure.

The next person tried to build the Death Star out of Legos when he/she was a kid.

Next person hopes their second testicle will descend soon!:heh:

Pfft don't lie I've seen your hairy chested gorilla impression :lol:

Next person hopes their second testicle will descend soon!:heh:
miss id rather keep them...

lol bit of confused translation there i think :lol:

Hit love cheese but not penis cheese, always clean under the hood :lol:

Next person probably replied so fast that I missed my chance