Hit or Miss

hit, but it's probably wrong and will probably fuck you up
you have to stiffen your neck and jaw, and kinda push with your diaphram. This is kinda weird. Keep doing it till it stops hurting. At that point you're probably doing it right. Keep in mind that your throat should always be moist. You'll notice at shows vocalists always take a drink at least between every song and often during instrumental sections as well.

next person will correct me
Miss, but I did play alot up until a couple months into the first expansion then it got ridiculous. Warhammer Online is where it's at now Waaagh!

Next person wishes it was Winter all year round.
Soooo close, I used to, because my mother accidentally put in some of the reds with the white load, so guess what happened...

Dad bitched her out and I got new underwear :heh:

Next person owns a staple gun.
Miss. But there is a hot glue gun somewhere in the house if it is any help.

Next person is thinking about boobies.

Fenrisulfr- Our washing is divided, black and everything else.:rock: So no risk of this happening.