Hit or Miss

fuck yeah HIT!

next person has imaginations through the looking glass

EDIT: nice timing amon666
hit/miss, i love demigod but not so much the apostasy

next person has the imaginations through the looking glass dvd
miss though i do dream of well.... a dream girl

nexy person wakes up in the morning to shitty pop music radio
Miss I want a monkey and a trampoline! (this is kind of running joke with a couple of friends)

Next person will make their response funny!
FUCKIN MISS fuck you man, its the wrong place to bash amon songs,
you can explain why and give your reasons, but dont just bash them just for the heck of it

next person agrees with me!
For the sake of explaining myself, I'll say hit.

Believe me, Amon Amarth is one of my favorite bands, I'm NOT here to bash them at all, just giving my opinion on a particular song. I guess I didn't exactly phrase it the right way so that it wouldn't come off like I was going out of my way to say something negative. I'll try something more positive for you.

The next person agrees "Across The Rainbow Bridge" is one of Amon Amarths best songs.
I mean it's good and all, but not one of the best (aka on the top 10).
I can tolerate your opinion being different then mine (although grudgingly you cheap rat bastard) but I still think you're wrong.

Next person is listening to the Avenger.