Hit or Miss

hit, and if not rare then i like it raw

next person knows who they are, they are an evil person
MISS! I actually had left over Chinese General Tso's Chicken.

Next person knew Clay Aiken was gay the WHOLE time and is now waiting for Tom Cruise to come out of the closet lol
miss i dont watch mainstream music shows like idol

next person enjoys watching monkeys wrestle
miss, hahahah i just did before reading

nect opersobn cn wrute wh8le headnaming
(next person can write while headbanging)
hahaah thats a really good idea
:rock: Mixsssssss,, nmo I ccant qwwrrittte wjile he<<<bdangingg, nnnnno
(Miss, I can't write while headbanging, no.) :lol:

The next person has a tatoo of a viking who looks like Johan H.