Hit or Miss

miss. but that will change in few hours :lol:

next person has been to aa gig two or more times

Hit. More times, i have lost track of it, probably like 5 -7 times.

Next person will eat tortillas this weekend.
yeh, your country handles its finances so well. oh wait...aren't you about to enter into a rescission? maybe it's time your pollies stopped playing the blame game and took a bi-partisan approach to resolving problems. lets see if this 'rescue' package is passed. :lol:

...the bailout is nothing more than a very expensive gift to certain banks who made some bad bets but have contributed enough campaigns to have access.

I could care less what they do; I don't even pay tax. :p

However, where have I said this stinker of a country handles its finances well at all? Soon this place will be worse than fucking Brazil.

If it does, I'm seceding from the Union. :|
Secede from its currency first. Save your money in gold and silver.
Hit!! totally....lol, too bad its just me tonite. who wants to come over and keep me company?
Next person is a classical music fan

Miss, when ever i start to listen to classical music i start to see red and my agression builds up 100 fold and someone will surely die an agaonizing death.

Next person likes the album The Crusher.