Hit or Miss

Miss, I don't know. I don't own any of their albums. What I've heard isn't really for me though. Zakk Wylde's an awesome guitarist though.

Next person had a weird day.
miss, love is a strong word, its a good show though

next person is eating a sandwich

EDIT: w00t just saw i made the 400 posts mark :D
Lol haven't slept in 16 hours already , n it's only 9pm , a long night is still need to be spent .
Next person adores dogs
miss, i now one though and he'll be pleased about the football results

next person is pissed england arnt winning
Miss I don't give a fuck about sports :D
Next person thinks he/she is the reincarnation of some legendary Viking warrior
Hit , I even get drunk when just seeing others getting drunk ( wtf !!)
Next person thinks weed shouldn't be classified as a drug .