Hit or Miss

miss, already have a dog

next person laughed at this
hit... well i chuckled.. i don't really understand american culture that much.. if i may..

next person thinks Blade Runner is an awesome movie (if you haven't seen it type "miss cause i suck")
Hit, because it's the correct way, any other way is wrong.

Next person disagrees with me (knowing that they are wrong).
HIT, being lazy and leaving off a letter is a good thing. Any kind of "lazy" is good. =P

Next person agrees with me! (You'd better or I'll start picking on you next)
Miss. I've given them all a chance but they're just boring.

Next persons shower is filled with hair, mostly pubes.
Miss, it's like a ZZ Top concert down there.

Next person will have trouble sleeping tonight because of that.
Miss - can't remember that last time I got drunk. A bottle of burboun lasts six months in my home. Knob Creek for preference.

The next person enjoys a rousing game of tiddly winks.