

PowerMetal Nut!
Sep 27, 2004
Land Of Illusion
What is going on? We have many people promoting their festivals on this board? Isn't this a ProgPower forum? Why are people keep on making many threads about Bwbk, Minneapolis Mayhem, Chicago Power Fest and others. I keep on seeing this. Why does not the moderator ban this type of posting?
Well... as far as I can tell Glenn is more interested in seeing good metal shows in the US than anything. The music comes before his bottom line. He is leading the charge with ProgPower but the more good shows we can get the better. Don't you agree?
I don't mind the occassional post or reference to other shows. It would be different if someone was here posting ticket info, schedule, etc. There may come a day when I need some help and I like to think I can look to others when needed.

Glenn H.
nah... I'm pretty sure they are all cool with eachother. They go to each others shows and I'll bet if you go to bw&bk you will see posts about ProgPower...

But I could be completely wrong. For all I know Glenn might dispise when other people post about their shows and stuff. But that seems unlikely.
Think of Powerfest as the little brother to Prog Power. Most of the attendees met at Prog Power and its a great chance to meet up more than just once a year for some of us that live far away from our PPUSA freinds.

because it's a community. a lot of the same people go to these shows. i think it's evidence enough that the members here know what to post, and not to
I don't think Glenn has anything to worry about. He's proven that he can put together a show that appeals to a large enough audience that he sells out every year, and gets lots of positive "buzz" in the prog/metal scene. No other show in the US currently has the consistant sell out and positive vibe that ProgPower has, except Nearfest (and these two shows don't overlap pretty much at all in musical acts, so they're really appealing to different audiences for the most part).

We're all fans of music, and a fair number of us travel around to shows, and want to know about other shows that are going on. While it's unlikely we'll be attending BW&BK, for example, it's cool to know that the show is going on...

As a promoter for the Minneapolis Mayhem I respect Glenn enough not to post a ton of things on his forum. I feel that if everyone works together we can put out a great showcase for the USA and Canada fans. Since we do not have that many good shows out there. In europe it is huge..a ton a good metalfests and we will be in great compitition with them!
JCMRecords said:
As a promoter for the Minneapolis Mayhem I respect Glenn enough not to post a ton of things on his forum. I feel that if everyone works together we can put out a great showcase for the USA and Canada fans. Since we do not have that many good shows out there. In europe it is huge..a ton a good metalfests and we will be in great compitition with them!

But you still post your stuff on this board. It seems you are more out for personal gain than respect.
Lighten up HeavenlyFairytale, we're all family. I really enjoy the posts about other shows. This is the only forum I check on a regular basis and I enjoy the updates. Last year I posted a review of the BWBK festival and it got 30 or 35 replies and none of them were about how I shouldn't be doing that. We like to know what's up! Nothing wrong with that! More metal!
As mentioned before, it is a sense of community, as well as, "extended family". Usually festival goers travel to more than one show a year.
Bear said:
Think of Powerfest as the little brother to Prog Power. Most of the attendees met at Prog Power and its a great chance to meet up more than just once a year for some of us that live far away from our PPUSA freinds.

Personally, I prefer to think of our fest as being the cousin of PPUSA. :p

Remember, Chicago Powerfest came before PP back in 2000...although, it did only have domestic bands, but still. And even the first PPUSA was held at the same venue as Powerfest, but it definitely out-grew it right away...which is what we're hoping for by next year's fest.

We're definitely all friends too...basically, we all met through the Perpetual Motion board back in the late 90s. And after the now defunct PowerMad fest, Glenn picked up the ball and was the first to run with it in a more major way...introducing bigger-named European acts. Damn...I'll never forget seeing Pain of Salvation at PPUSA 1...blew my fucking mind, and talk about being up close & personal...that rawked!! :headbang:

Also, like was already said...we're all doing this to help out the underground metal scene here in the states. As soon as we start working against each other, then we'll be defeating the purpose. Plus, trust me, in order to put on a good fest and not rake the attendees over the coals by charging inflated prices for tix, there truly isn't any real money to be made here. Then again, I guess if we were one of those asshole metal fest promoters (not naming any names...cough***Jack Koshick***cough...hehe) that ONLY care about money and who CHARGE some of the lesser-known bands a shitload of money to play their "fest", then maybe we could make a little money. Instead, our philosophy is to keep the lineup smaller, but make sure each band gets some money...share the wealth. Well, at least all the bands except for Twelfth Gate & Ion Vein. ;) Our payment is the luxury of having our own bands in the lineup of our own fest each year. :D
Harvester said:
I don't mind the occassional post or reference to other shows. It would be different if someone was here posting ticket info, schedule, etc. There may come a day when I need some help and I like to think I can look to others when needed.

Glenn H.
Absolutely, just as you talk to other promoters and help them out sometimes.* Bringing good metal to the States is a community effort, and it's good to see the Powers That Be joining together to make all of this a reality.

Err, someone can start singing "kum-baya" right about now.... :tickled:

* BTW, Glenn, Tim H. says "hi and thanks" :)