Hmm... About this video...


Mar 1, 2010
Okay so I was watching this video and I was wondering what kinda pickups the dude is using. Somewhere I've heard that he uses dimarzio pickups, but then again... not really sure. Oh and one more thing! Since this guitar has the switch for MM-04, can you tell if he is playing with or without it on? Thanks! (well you can tell I'm noob when it comes to pickups and all that kinda electronics related stuff, but I really wanna gather up enough info to make the perfect AXE!!!)
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Man I really can't tell :rofl: I think its EMG, I really don't understand much of pickups. I mean check this video out, you can see it here, it's the same one.
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well that's quite old video and you can clearly see that the had blackout in it. Nop whait he still has the blackout in the pink one. Regular Sawtooth has crunch lab installed.
I can pretty much guarantee it's not an EMG of any sort and it's not the Dimarzio Crunch Lab.
I'm pretty certain it's a Seymour Duncan and as I said before it's probably the Blackout ABH-1.
Guys it's quite obvious from the background of that video that he works in some sort of guitar store and records his videos there so it's safe to say that the guitars he plays probably belong to his store and therefore would most likely have stock pickups
If you want to hear my opinion.... I don't really care which pickup he's using. His tone is great and his playing is awesome - that's all what counts.

exactly why he wants to know what pickup it is so he can match the tone.... like he said about him wanting the perfect axe....
Guys it's quite obvious from the background of that video that he works in some sort of guitar store and records his videos there so it's safe to say that the guitars he plays probably belong to his store and therefore would most likely have stock pickups

No...I think those are all of his personal guitars that he has.

If not, then that shop never sells any of the guitars that they have.

TS - not sure what PU he is using.
Uhmm.. you think so? I can count at least 13 guitars and all are high end guitars... I don't know much about Asians but I know that they don't have that much money we have in europe so I can't belive that he has guitars for over 20.000 euro... ^^

Edit: It is a store. You can see cables packed in foil between the guitars, stomp boxes and some kind of sheets... maybe price or technical data lists...
He's playing in a store, that's 99% sure (that or the guy has mimicked a shop in his bedroom), but the guitar is not standard. Regular Pink Sawtooth has black hardware and that one clearly has gold floyd. And pickup I may be wrong but doesn't sound EMG to me. Tone and playing are awesome as Arcane said tho.
Uhmm.. you think so? I can count at least 13 guitars and all are high end guitars... I don't know much about Asians but I know that they don't have that much money we have in europe so I can't belive that he has guitars for over 20.000 euro... ^^

Edit: It is a store. You can see cables packed in foil between the guitars, stomp boxes and some kind of sheets... maybe price or technical data lists...

:erk: What...? :erk: