Hmm, its gonna rain tomorrow...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
I love it. I get the pleasant rain smell and the dreary mountain view, but best of all... Don't have to go to work.

Rain = The best!
Its still raining... supposed to rain for a couple more days as well. Multiple days of rain where I live is rare, so this is pure AWESOME.

Rain, rain, rain
A thousand tiny drops upon the pane
Marching in their millions toward the drain
And whose to say those drops are all the same?

Against the shutters, splash and down they go
Into the Gutters, or to rivers flow

I love it. I get the pleasant rain smell and the dreary mountain view, but best of all... Don't have to go to work.

Rain = The best!

You must be in the trades too.

I am a mason, and we can't lay brick in the rain, so I get loads of time off.

I love it, but my bank hates it lol.

got 14 hours last week due to rain and the Novembers doom show.

Rain, rain, rain
A thousand tiny drops upon the pane
Marching in their millions toward the drain
And whose to say those drops are all the same?

Against the shutters, splash and down they go
Into the Gutters, or to rivers flow


you know good music?! AWESOME.

on a related note, shopping in the rain is a bad idea. my grocery bags got HEAVY.
i love thunderstorms more than pure rain.. but both are great now and then
As long as lightening isnt shooting down from the sky, I work in the rain. And the snow, and sun. Ahh, the glamorous life of a conservationist.