Thumbs up if you like Spring!

Are you still in Brno?

The weather over this side of the country is glorious! :)

Yes I am...and I must say, the weather itself is quite nice, but I'm unable to enjoy it at the moment due to various reasons. Working hours..eugh.
It's glorious over here as well.
It's dry for quite some days now but i hope the aprilshowers will make up for that this year. I also doubt if it will a normal weather year, since Japan's earthquake knocked Earth out of her balance. Spring 2010 was too dry and very bad for the crops. Seed awakened way too late or did not sprout at all. 2010 delivered extreme tropical days with temperatures of 38°C /100.4 ºF. I melted and died. And i hate sweating, sweating is great in the gym but i sweat very easily, i do not handle 30+ °C very well, so i often feel uncomfortable on hot sticky summer days. My stomach reacts upset, my bowels feel as if i have a rat racing through my system, i sleep very bad and i am constantly thirsty. I always drink much (been tested on diabetes for several times and it's not that) but during hot summer days, i also sweat a lot and then it seems as if nothing can quench my thirst. I hate it when i get in such a state of being, so i'm not a big fan of very hot summer weather and hope 2011 will show me some mercy.
Spring and Autumn are my favourite seasons and i do not mind Winter but i do hate snow. Snow makes me grumpy.

Spring awoke my Hyacinth's:

^ same... my new job's hours are NUTS.
I work 10-6 (which is awesome) but it seems like everything at BET starts happening AFTER 3pm.. I get flooded with feedback, meetings, conference calls, materials etc after 2-3 and then it's almost
NEVER that I leave work before 7-8... sucks. I don't remember what a 'happy hour' is anymore.. oh le sigh.
Spring my ass... it was 32 degrees this morning... which normally I don't mind, because I love the cold weather, but I have a serious problem with 32 degrees and wind
in the morning when all I wear is a spring dress and a light coat... pffff... Winter ain't ovah til its ovah!
Spring is a tease; you never know what you're gonna get. Then again, that's Texas weather all the time, but even moreso during spring. For the past couple of weeks it was warm and sunny, tank top/flip flop kind of weather. Today I wore four layers and am thoroughly chilled right now. :bah:

That being said, yes I like spring. :loco:
It's raining here now but it doesn't feel like that bone chilling, annoying and cold Winter rain. Now it feels more like the rain is trying to hang on as long as it can, instead of just dominating the climate for weeks on end.

Kinda like when a chick dumps a guy and then the guy clings on as long as he can, but both the guy AND the chick knows it finally over for good and soon to be gone forever (metaphorically speaking, of course).