Thats it, I'm leaving Arlington


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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....and movine to the north pole!!!

... some people have Summer houses, I need a winter-house.
Whenever it gets hotter than Lindsay Lohan's arm pit here, I can always move to my winter house... somewhere in Australia... or some other cold place....

I hate this summer so much!!!!!!
Its so hot, that once I took my wine out of the wine cooler, it was already in the wrong temperature after ...4 minutes.

summer sucks. I need cold weather.... I need grey sky.... I need
not to leave the house right after I took a shower and take another one,
and above all: I need to murder the sun.

I'm done venting.
The BIG problem with the heat around here is the HUMIDITY

ughhh fuckin max levels of it all the time. I don't mind 110 degrees so much if it's a dry heat.
You know, the only thing I like about our weather is the seasons...
you get really addicted to changing seasons every 3 months...
its just that I hate the summer so much....
I'd be perfectly happy with 4 months of fall/ winter /and spring with no summer at all.

/drops dead
Dead_Lioness said:
You know, the only thing I like about our weather is the seasons...
you get really addicted to changing seasons every 3 months...
its just that I hate the summer so much....
I'd be perfectly happy with 4 months of fall/ winter /and spring with no summer at all.

/drops dead
i was so loving the three feet of odd snow we got this year
Dead_Lioness said:
....and movine to the north pole!!!

... some people have Summer houses, I need a winter-house.
Whenever it gets hotter than Lindsay Lohan's arm pit here, I can always move to my winter house... somewhere in Australia... or some other cold place....

I hate this summer so much!!!!!!
Its so hot, that once I took my wine out of the wine cooler, it was already in the wrong temperature after ...4 minutes.

summer sucks. I need cold weather.... I need grey sky.... I need
not to leave the house right after I took a shower and take another one,
and above all: I need to murder the sun.

I'm done venting.

Move to the North West. Here we have cloudy skies and occasional sun with 60+ degrees. Spring and summer here is awesome.
I hate the winter much more than summer these days. Too many ice laden driving incidents, not good for the nerves.

Plus the sun is healthy! Still hate humidity though.
oh Karen, I hear ya, I hear ya bigtime! My canadian blood is too thick for hot summer days. I just got back from a trip to las vegas, and my god, seriously 20 minutes outside and I wanted to murder everyone and everything in that whole blasted desert!
Its not too hot where I live though, its been a nice tempature lately, with a daily sprinkle of rain. I havent got much to complain about weatherwise right now, but believe you me, Ill never ever be going to a desert or tropical place in the summertime again!
I really dont mind the heat as much anymore, its the FUCKING HUMIDITY that kills me around here. I think I've learned to appreciate all the seasons for various qualities much more over the past few years.
Yeah the summer is great! I love the outdoors, you can't go camping in the freakin' snowy winter for crapsakes...

I'm not grim enough and listen to too much rock n roll, I suppose.
You guys are on crack! Summer is awesome! If there was one other place aside from the Northwest that I would live, it'd be Arizona. I love it down there.

I say... down with Winter!
Chromatose said:
The BIG problem with the heat around here is the HUMIDITY

ughhh fuckin max levels of it all the time. I don't mind 110 degrees so much if it's a dry heat.

Exactly - I lived in the dead center of Australia and it was nowhere near as suck ass as it is here. Get so damn sweaty here :( :lol: Friggin humidity