Thats it, I'm leaving Arlington

i really can't stand the heat, i get hot really easily and it doesn't help much that i end up wearing all black every day. i prefer the cold because i enjoy it and if it really really bothers me i can always put on more clothes. i can't just run around the streets in summer naked.
@ lioness ... move here to austria ... we have about 9 °c atm ... and it`s june :|
Well, where in Austria? The Alps can create some crazy weather patterns.

I hate heat too. My parents are moving to Florida, the worst state ever, and I will not be joining them. The only good thing about warm weather is that hiking is easier. Other than that, heat kills me.
A Trace Of Blood said:
Well, where in Austria? The Alps can create some crazy weather patterns.

I hate heat too. My parents are moving to Florida, the worst state ever, and I will not be joining them. The only good thing about warm weather is that hiking is easier. Other than that, heat kills me.

no i live south of vienna ... 50 km away ... normally the summer begins with may ... but this year?! the wheather dignosis told us that we will have snow in august ... phew i`m glad i have my holidays in egypt in august this year :D hahaha

florida is soooooooooooooooooo beautiful ....