Firstly: No I'm not one of those "GOTH CHICKS" who need to stay pale and hate the sun come on.................
But I really do hate the summer sun: its too hot.
FYI, vitamin A and D are also found in many green vegtables, that I eat daily, so no, I do not need the sun.
The sun makes things grow, but its BAD BAD BAD for your skin health-wise.
(a long exposure of course, not 5 minutes walk to the bus stop)
It does NOT make you look more "vibrant and healthy" I hate the tanned look
I hate summer... the bugs.... the humidity... smelly people...
the need to take a second shower 5 minutes after you leave the house,
the fact that everything looks "yellow" outside
btw Mike: yeah it could be worst, I could live in NC haha
I love the seasons though.. the only thing that rules about the east coast is the changing seasons... I got so addicted to it.
I may hate the summer, but hey, it'd be gone in 3 months
I still need a winter house.