Thats it, I'm leaving Arlington

yup, vitamin D, I remember reading about all the problems australians started having with vitamin D deficiencies after they started covering themselves in sunblock to protect from the horrible horrible ozone holes.

Too much sunburn will give you skin cancer! But not enough vitamin D will make you more susceptible to cancer!
Vitamin D in milk is mostly synthetic, so I hear it's not as effective as natural sources. It's great for keeping rickets out of kids, but if you're a grown adult who stays out of the sun completely and is super pale, I don't know how much it would really help if your body isn't producing it as well.
derek said:
It's cold here all the time, and even when its warm, it's still sorta cold.

Come live here, we can hang about in pubs and drink 80- all day. Maybe toss some cabers, eat haggis and generally moan about england :p


Actually, I should be in Scotland either next April or October. I'm planning on driving around for 10 days. If driving isn't too scary..

It's hot here. :-(
Chromatose said:
Vitamin D in milk is mostly synthetic, so I hear it's not as effective as natural sources. It's great for keeping rickets out of kids, but if you're a grown adult who stays out of the sun completely and is super pale, I don't know how much it would really help if your body isn't producing it as well.

I think in Scandinavia they use special UV lights in winter. I wonder if that is effective as well.

And not all pale people are so because of no sun! :mad:
A Trace Of Blood said:
I think in Scandinavia they use special UV lights in winter. I wonder if that is effective as well.

And not all pale people are so because of no sun! :mad:

From what I've read, they are. I'd love to have some full spectrum lights, especially since I work 3rd shift. Sometimes I barely see any daylight at all in the winter.
Firstly: No I'm not one of those "GOTH CHICKS" who need to stay pale and hate the sun come on................. :Puke:
But I really do hate the summer sun: its too hot.
FYI, vitamin A and D are also found in many green vegtables, that I eat daily, so no, I do not need the sun.
The sun makes things grow, but its BAD BAD BAD for your skin health-wise.
(a long exposure of course, not 5 minutes walk to the bus stop)
It does NOT make you look more "vibrant and healthy" I hate the tanned look

I hate summer... the bugs.... the humidity... smelly people...
the need to take a second shower 5 minutes after you leave the house,
the fact that everything looks "yellow" outside

btw Mike: yeah it could be worst, I could live in NC haha :lol:

I love the seasons though.. the only thing that rules about the east coast is the changing seasons... I got so addicted to it.

I may hate the summer, but hey, it'd be gone in 3 months ;)

I still need a winter house.
Don't move to Ukiah, then...its gets up to around 115º in the Summer...sometimes hotter!
I like my coastal temperatures...tis heaven!
Come live in the Midwest, where the seasons linger long past when they're supposed to!!! I can recall being outside in short sleeves in December, and then, the next day, it was freezing outside. Almost as strangely, it was still cold as fuck in the nights and mornings as recently as a week ago. I was sweating outside under the sun, then seeing my breath at night.

Our weather is retarded here.