Hmm, my new (used) Dual Rec is not Dual Rec'ing...


Feb 20, 2005

Ok, but seriously, I fired it up, and it's making annoying noises when on and has pitifully low volume. Here's a vid:

Does this sound like a power tube problem? I'm definitely gonna buy a whole new set of t00bz for it regardless, but I just wanna be sure there's nothing else amiss (the fuse didn't even blow so I'm not too worried). And the first "snap" noise is me taking it off standby (when I say "Dare I?"), and then putting it back in standby (yet the fuzzy noises continue, as you'll hear).
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From relatively limited experience, I'm pretty sure thats a power tube problem. Also lol @ "thats not a typo, cus I'm talking".

Get them replaced as soon as possible in case you cause more damage (not that it will, just to be on the safe side). If new tubes doesnt fix it it looks as though that amp is going to cost you more than you thought ;)

That's probably why it was a deal. Damn, the JSX karma is fucking you over Marcus! Shoulda given that biyatch some t00bz :lol: Seriously though, yeah I'll go with a power tube being the culprit as well. Hope that's all there is going on with it. Good luck mang.

Most likely a tube problem bro. The really expensive stuff (trannies blowing up), would probably have happened already. More than likely a TOOBZ issue.

Pityfull low volume could be a preamp tube problem as well, I had that with my Fireball... the "driver tube" (as my local amptech called it in german) for the power amp went bad and the amp didn't go much over speaking volume. Quick fix.
A new set of power tubes doesn't hurt either, if it turns out they are not the problem at least you have a replacement set for the future.
Pityfull low volume could be a preamp tube problem as well, I had that with my Fireball... the "driver tube" (as my local amptech called it in german) for the power amp went bad and the amp didn't go much over speaking volume. Quick fix.
A new set of power tubes doesn't hurt either, if it turns out they are not the problem at least you have a replacement set for the future.

Yeah, the phase inverter is what we call it here - I'm gonna get all new preamp, power, and rectifier tubes to be safe, so I'll be swapping that as well. Thanks guys! (and the "not a typo" thing was because for so long I thought it was as have people I've told about 'em :lol: )
That's probably why it was a deal. Damn, the JSX karma is fucking you over Marcus! Shoulda given that biyatch some t00bz :lol: Seriously though, yeah I'll go with a power tube being the culprit as well. Hope that's all there is going on with it. Good luck mang.


Haha, thanks dude, the bitch just won't leave me be! :heh:
By the way, does anyone know about the durability of rectifier tubes? I figure since I'll probably barely ever be playing using them, I don't need to worry about their reliability, but still, I'm curious if they have as much strain put on them (and thus go out as easily) as power tubes...
Fuck ya that's a just a tube problem... I hate that noise. It's temporary death to your amp and lots of money :(
As far as rectifier tubes go I haven't any first hand experience with them but I have a friend who swears by them. Well good luck man \m/
Well I've got a quad of Ruby EL34's, a pair of EH 5U4G's, and a pair of balanced Penta 12AX7's on the way, so hopefully that should remedy my woes - thanks again guys!
Actually that sounds more like a bad pre amp tube. I changed 3 new preamp tubes in to my jcm800 and the sound was low and shit and crackling(not before changing). I switched the tubes around and found the culprit. one of the tubes was just broken.
By the way, does anyone know about the durability of rectifier tubes? I figure since I'll probably barely ever be playing using them, I don't need to worry about their reliability, but still, I'm curious if they have as much strain put on them (and thus go out as easily) as power tubes...

My friend Drew had a tripple rec from new, had a few tube issues with it. He gigged it regularly and busted it regularly. Hope you don't have the same probs man. When they are workig well, one of the best amps out there.
Thanks dude! Though actually, it's a Revision G model, which means it was the last type of 2-channel to be produced before the 3-channels (meaning it has the newer OT). However, I'm happy I got it, because while the earlier revisions had the supposedly "better" sound/transformers, they also had series FX loops, and from what I've heard about the crappiness of Recto loops on account of their tube buffering (and the fact that I'll be using a Boss DD3 in there, which isn't exactly the most transparent pedal ;)), I'm happy to have the parallel loop on this one!

I got my info from here btw, it's a great read!
My friend Drew had a tripple rec from new, had a few tube issues with it. He gigged it regularly and busted it regularly. Hope you don't have the same probs man. When they are workig well, one of the best amps out there.

Oy - I've heard they're really reliable amps, I can only hope (for my own sake) that there was something else wrong with his that kept causing it to fail!
Did I hear you correctly in the vid saying that it came with JJ EL34L's? That's what I have in my DR, and I absolutely love them.