hmmm my boss is leaving at 2:15

baliset, it's *bad* dude. it's so bad! i am sullen, pensive, cranky and i am a total freakin downer. i dunno what's gotten into me!
how long have you been feeling shitty? i found that my mood was working in one to two week intervals. I felt like shit for two weeks then awesome for a week and now i have been irritable and pissy for a week or so.
i think they call that dysthymia, or cyclomania?

anyway, i have been bummed for about 2 weeks. it's a steady logarythmic decline for me....

i am not up on the psychology lingo, although i found a copy of the DSM-IV when i was at my parents house in CT this weekend, but i think its for my Mom's volunteer program that she runs.

if there is a clinical definition for what is going on with my silly brain then i am a bit more relieved. but i tell you what, nothing has added more to my shitty mood then this stupid zit under my right eye which does not want to go away but instead persists in growing bigger.
well, you'd have to have the symptoms for more than 6 months to be diagnosed with anything, otherwise it's a 'depressive episode'. but i mean, dude... it sucks... either way, right? :zombie:
yes it does.

by the way my boss has left for the day as well so i am going to give up on my work today because my work area is a mess and i just don't care enough to solve the problems today. i will spend from 5-5:30 tidying it up and organizing it so that it will appear to the naked eye that i have done something with my day.
that plan sounds pretty accurate to my plan. but i am at last making some small attempts at writing up a new brochure for publishing.
well i don't know how much this will help but there's this song by the band Chroma Key called "When You Drive" that always seems to relax and ease me out of whatever extreme mood swing i happen to fall into. its all trancey with some zen buddhist guy talking throughout the song and this awesome sample of the coolest vocal line i think i have ever heard.

PS. no boss in tomorrow = laziness!