HMV can fuck off


Day Of Darkness
Jan 30, 2004
Alberta, Canada
I finally found Helping The World to see and after tax it cost me $29.77 that is brutally over priced yet im forced to pay because the only thing other cd places carry is metallica and Pantera. Where do the majority of you buy your cd's?
The average metal album in the UK costs £12.99 which is roughly $17-19. It's bullshit and overpriced ><
Calm down people, it's 29,99$ CANADIAN money. It's still expensive but all cds are priced like that in here. If you want a to pay less, order it on the net ( that's what I do now ). Instead of paying 29.99$, you'll pay something around 15.99$. I have over 100 cds, and 90% of them are bought in HMV's and each cost me 32.99$ or 27.99$.

Edit: Oh and 1$ CA = 0.83$ US so we can't really blame the low power of our money.
Ya its in canadian dollars but that still reverts back to about 24 bucks american which is retarded. And Hmv has the metal cd monopoly around here nothing can compare with there selection. Thanks for the sites though I may try ordering from some of them.