Hogues was tight!


Mar 6, 2003
Newport Beach, CA
Wow! Just got home from the front row and my ears are still ringing. But it's a good ring. Maiden! Tonight's show was incredible- Thank You Maidens!!! And big Props to the sound guy at Hogue's for doing such a great job! The sound there is the BEST! :Spin:

Judging by tonight's performance, the Maidens are gonna KILL in New York! Have fun, take a big juicy bite of the Big Apple and enjoy it!
The Bugle sounds, the charge begins!!!
I would like to give thanks to the blonde in the front row at Hogue's that was flashing her C cups at us! :wave: Thanks and what's your name?! :D
Okay, trying this again! The first one didn't wanna go thru! If you weren't there last night in Newport Beach, you missed out on an awesome show! Hogue's was ON FIRE!!! :hotjump: I missed the first band but caught Ten Mile Tongue and those dudes rocked! The singer was amazing! Next up was Krome, who rocked heavily! Kinda reminded me of Alice In Chains. Then I got front and center for the next band, the one everyone was waiting to see! After the Winston Churchill intro, the gals came out to 'Aces High' and moving into 'Flight Of Icarus' with Eddie The 'Ed serving brain on a platter to the crowd up front. Then an early song 'Killers' that had us feeling like there was someone behind us prepared for attack! :headbang: Next a newer song, 'The Clairvoyant' this one! Next was one of my mid-era faves, 'Die With Your Boots On' with a dedication to yours truly (thanx Jen!). After the next song, 'Children Of The Damned', they came on strong with the tour de force..a song about what NOT to do if your bird shits on you...'Rime Of The Ancient Mariner'! Then another newer song 'The Evil That Men Do'. Next up an oldie but goodie 'Wrathchild'. Then a couple of tunes from the "Number Of The Beast" LP, '22 Acacia Avenue' and the title track (this time the extinguishers worked!) with the devil :devil: making a cameo apprearnce and then the epic 'Run To The Hills'. Up next was the awesome '2 Minutes To Midnight'. Then a flag waving Jen brought out 'The Trooper' in all of us! And for the final number, 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' about a poor soul doomed to die. For an encore (if you wanna call it that!) they brought out the ole 'Iron Maiden' :Smokedev: and Eddie made a repeat performance! After the show the band graciously chatted and hung out with the fans. All in all it was an excellent performance. Sara and JoJo jammed their hearts out! Linda was banin' the skins somethin' harsh (I got the drumstick!) while Wanda seemed to enjoy using the wireless setup and doing her best 'Steve Harris' impression! And Jen ruled with that air raid voice! Thanks for a great night of heavy metal tuneage! For those of you who have NOT seen these ladies, check out their show at Platinum Live on Satturday July 12 in Studio City. The venue has 5.1 surround sound and is awesome! So c'mon out and support local heavy metal! Ladies, be safe out in NYC and rock their asses off back East!!!
Very cool to hear a lengthier set. I wonder if Iron Maiden themselves will play that long (1 hr. 45 min w/o a stop for an encore, etc.)?
The best sound mix I've heard so far too. Awesome!
The 5.1 show sounds sweet!
Did we really play that long??????o_O Damn, I slept until almost 3:30 today!!!!!! (well, I didn't get home until 5:30am) That show took a lot outta me! What a great crowd!!!! Thank You to everybody who came out! You all made the vibe happen!!!!:hotjump:And thanks for all the well-wishes for the NY jaunt!!! And, of course, thanks soooo much to our crew, whom we could NOT do without! Were there a lot more girls there that night than our "normal" crowd or was I hallucinating?
It sure seemed like there were more women up front than usual. :Spin: I'm certainly not complaining!

I wish I slept as long as you did, Linda. I got to sleep around 6 am and woke up at 9 am. Last night was no better. I'm going back to bed now. :ill:
Well, I fooked up in the review I posted (yeah yeah so sue me!)...see if you can spot it. And Charlotte, don't go tellin' no one either!!!!!! THE IRON MAIDENS ROCK SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ARE GONNA' KICK ASS IN NEW YORK!!!!!

That blonde up front sure was into it! Did she really flash Wanda? I thought she was gonna get nekkid right there in front of everybody!!! But more women are cool.........at least we know they rock too!!!!!