Holiday At Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth)CD+DVD

But I agree just as almost everyone else that Alexi should purely focus on his guitar playing and find another vocalist.

I don't say that they should get another vocalist but I think Alexi should practice playing a lot more because most of their live stuff have sounded like shit for the last 5-6 years. Though I've heard he has better hold of his shit these days when compared to the ever so horrifying Kissing The Shadows @ Bloodstock 2010.
At this point, the vocals are so bad I'd almost prefer instrumental tracks for the next album. In fact I think that could be quite interesting if they did that.
They'll release a remake of Baldur's gate this summer.

Except the remake has very little to do with Bioware. It's being done by some amateur studio.

I don't say that they should get another vocalist but I think Alexi should practice playing a lot more because most of their live stuff have sounded like shit for the last 5-6 years. Though I've heard he has better hold of his shit these days when compared to the ever so horrifying Kissing The Shadows @ Bloodstock 2010.

He does, at least did when I saw them last year. As for the vocals... Well, they've been there all along, I personally didn't expect them to get any better over time. Instrumental album might be a bit of an overkill, but cutting down the amount of singing within each song would be a plus.
Lowpoint of vocals: AYDY and Stockholm knockout era'! They were better both on BD and RRF + live in between, but nothing like 1999-2003.

Children of Bodom - Holiday at Lake Bodom

"Holiday at Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth)" is a new "CD+DVD career retrospective" - in other words its a greatest hits package from Finnish metal band Children of Bodom. It's hard to believe but its true - Children of Bodom have been with us for fifteen years. The band took their name from the infamous unsolved 'Lake Bodom Murders', which took place in Finland in 1960, and the album title is a clear reference to this.

"15 Years of Wasted Youth is the sound of Children Of Bodom working hard, partying hard, being relentless and stubborn," says the band's superstar guitarist / vocalist Alexi Laiho. "We went through many brick walls to get to where we are, and after seven studio albums, two live albums, non-stop touring, bleeding and breaking a lot of bones, I think we are justified in putting this album out. Let the music speak for itself. You have been warned."

The release features songs from each of the bands seven studio albums as well as two newly-recorded cover songs. The DVD portion of the package will include "candid touring and backstage footage from around the world, plus the never-before-seen music video for "Shovel Knockout" (from the Relentless Reckless Forever album). There are also detailed liner notes penned by the members of Children of Bodom themselves.

For me, the cover versions that Children of Bodom do are always a highlight - and on this album we get two brand new covers. The two new cover songs are "I'm shipping up to Boston", originally by Dropkick Murphys, and "Jessie's girl", originally by Rick Springfield. The Dropkick Murphys cover is a less surprising choice than the Rick Springfield cover. Children of Bodom have done a great job on "I'm shipping up to Boston" - it's still clearly the same song but has more power than the original - a great choice and performed superbly. The cover of "Jessie's girl" sounds more radically different to the Rick Springfield original - hardly a surprise though since the original was a lightweight radio friendly song, and Children of Bodom just don't do lightweight - they've made it a hard and heavy song which still sounds great.

If you've only got one or two of the bands albums then this is a great addition to your collection. If however you already have all seven studio albums then it's a much harder decision. Completists will buy it, but personally I'd rather just get the two new tracks from itunes.

"Holiday at Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth)" will be released on 21st May 2012 via Spinefarm records.

Track listing:

1. Hate crew deathroll
2. Shovel knockout
3. Hate me
4. Everytime I die
5. Needled 24 7
6. I'm shipping up to Boston
7. Sixpounder
8. Warheart
9. Roundtrip to hell and back
10. Trashed, lost and strungout
11. Living dead beat
12. Deadnight warrior
13. Blooddrunk
14. Follow the reaper
15. Are you dead yet
16. Silent night, Bodom night
17. Jessies girl
18. In your face
19. Angels don't kill
20. Downfall
I'm shipping up to Boston is a pretty cool song. I wonder how they translated this folkish sound to theirs.
Jessie's girl, I just listened to and well, it's 90's pop alright. I wonder how they gave their own touch to it.

But it sure are .. interesting cover choices. But I don't think I'll get the album just for that and the backstage footage. At least not straight away.
Odd that the EMP listing for the CD has 'disappeared' :err:

"Your search for article no. 232412
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EMP link posted by Kimbodom (15 Years of wasted youth)&tc=BANDSHIRTS
"This item is not available anymore."

EMP Germany
"Deine Suche nach Artikelnummer 232412
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So, I'm Shipping Up To Boston was THAT song, what a load of shit. Jessie's Girl was pretty good, but I can only imagine how it will sound like with Alexi's awful vocals. we get to hear the same songs we always listen too, more so-so covers and get a DVD w/ backstage footage.....we all know this means more penis footage from the Finns who love to be naked.

I think I'll buy it.
If it features penis fencing in Rob Halford-clothes I'll buy 6 copies
Yes! If it makes the old stiffass fans whinge it's always good. Can't wait for Joonas' rant n' whining to the max.

The question I have is if Hate Me is going to be album or single version. The single version definitely has that yellow thrashy sound like the songs before, the change from SKO to Hate Me (album version) is just too huge jump from one sound to another. Thinking about it, when Hate Me single came out, it must've reeked like a commercial sell-out. The album then must've been a great surprise. But then it happened with the next album.

It's pretty much what you could expect (I just didn't know a CD can fit this much stuff). I guess Hate Crew Deathroll as opening song is the band's way of telling this is indeed the sound and style they enjoy at this moment (and the transition from HCDR to SKO blends ok as do some other transitions on this compilation). And when you think about it, it's the only song from this list that is a good pick for the opening song, as all the others have been featured as opening songs, singles or other high role songs in the past. In my opinion HCDR is like the most retarded, overrated and over-played song on the discography, there's just one good riff. Why not start with Knuckleduster or One Day You Will Cry.

I just think this band has a seriously chaotic self-image. This kind of release is a good thing to put out there, as it's a very strong pack of catchy riffs and melodies for anyone who enjoys metal. It's just hard to mix the old and new style together, they just don't blend, simple as that.

As for the whining, it's like when your son's 75% gay, you still try to get him into the pussy, but when he's 80% you just have to let him go. I'm not judging beforehand these two new covers are bad, but you can tell from the titles alone they make that remaining 5%. They have ventured too far into this path, it's too late to turn back. I'm screaming at them from the lakeshore "over here fools" but it seems even the last echoes of those screams have now faded away.
Nah the cover songs are pretty lame.... Although the reason is only to have fun and its nothing serious, they did it already seven years ago.
And they just did Party All The Time!

Another Slayer cover would have been better this time
If you just discovered the band, you're gonna get a decent impression of what their tour setlists are like with that one, seems to have been the main point in the choice of songs... otherwise I couldn't imagine why to pick Roundtrip and BD instead of Ugly and Smilex, just for examples. So I guess quite ok for new fans who've seen them live and can't afford to buy all their albums (and haven't downloaded them yet...). Nothing spectacular for older fans of course, but who would've expected else. Guess I'm gonna get it to complete the collection, like pretty much everyone else :p Can't say I'm curious about the Murphy's cover, but I'm kinda looking forward to the other one.
Gonna be fun hearing their versions of the covers. Didnt like Jessies Girl much, but bet its gonna be fun. Good blend of their other songs in a good mix, but missing Ugly !1 Wtf isnt that one on !???
Defo gonna get the pack - its more or less just a different playlist, plus stuff hey lol
Only thing that surprises me is that they've got Warheart there instead of Lake Bodom, otherwise it seems pretty average.

Would've liked to see more stuff from Blooddrunk there...I think that songs like LoBodomy or One Day You Will Cry are better than Are You Dead Yet/In Your Face. Still hasn't got a chance against the Bestbreeder record.