Holiday At Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth)CD+DVD

I'm not intimidated by a couple grease-haired forum trolls trying to make my manly statements seem like crying, if you wanna challenge me you need to argue properly about what I said, this is a discussion forum after all, right guys, or girls. :) Of course deep and insightful discussion is what you're all about here.


And J_H_C, as much as I don't want to be like Joonas, but do not ever insult CoB by comparing them to Pantera. First, Dimebag is the most overrated guitarist ever and their music has always been shit. Second, you're an asstard. Third, it's called "pre-HCDR" you idiot /_\
And J_H_C, as much as I don't want to be like Joonas, but do not ever insult CoB by comparing them to Pantera. First, Dimebag is the most overrated guitarist ever and their music has always been shit. Second, you're an asstard. Third, it's called "pre-HCDR" you idiot /_

Okay sorry relax man :-D Im not arguing with opinions here!
And yea I might be an asstard and my english is not the best, but Im just saying here what I want to, I am a cob fan same as you
nobody gives a shit if you dont like pantera or dime, It wasnt even the point to compare them, I just gave an example!
Pantera sucks shit, the glam-stuff was the only tolerable thing they ever did.

Its like Pantera and the glam-stuff!

No. COB won't do good music anymore, because Alexi has got a taste for shitty music (or money), but Pantera won't make good music anymore, because that hairy redneck faggot enjoyed a heavy bullet breakfast
Wtf is up with the pantera hatred? Yeah right Dimebag was overrated (LOL), from now on Necroraven and Ipot's opinions are meaningless, regardless!
Wtf is up with the pantera hatred? Yeah right Dimebag was overrated (LOL), from now on Necroraven and Ipot's opinions are meaningless, regardless!

It's iPot you assfag /_\ How you suppose that we should take your thoughts seriously when you can't even type nicknames correctly. Especially when you could check it from my last post.

And oh, Dimebag was so shitty guitarist that his fan couldn't tolerate his "playing" and 9mm'd his ass.
You care about the right spelling of a nick name but you can't even write any sentence without any fag/ass/idiot/... in it. And you really think that somebody take your thoughts seriously? :lol: iPot, you're a fUCkTarD
What, the troll is back already? Though you'd be gone for good. Seems like my prediction failed.

I wouldn't call Joonas a troll. His posts are often about what COB should change to become better, or how the old style was better, but he still talks of COB, unlike some. (For example Kaiso) If you don't like his posts why don't you skip them?

Also, he's not the only one who thinks old COB is better, from the people that read this forum. I think FTR, HCDR, and HB are the best COB albums ever, altough the worst in my opinion is SW not RRF or BD.
It's iPot you assfag /_ How you suppose that we should take your thoughts seriously when you can't even type nicknames correctly. Especially when you could check it from my last post.

And oh, Dimebag was so shitty guitarist that his fan couldn't tolerate his "playing" and 9mm'd his ass.

Hope somebody comes up to you when you play guitar and shoot your dick off, you assburger!

Alexi adapted half his technique from Dime. So pay your respect unclefucker!
Hope somebody comes up to you when you play guitar and shoot your dick off, you assburger!

Alexi adapted half his technique from Dime. So pay your respect unclefucker!

My dick got stuck and had to be cut off while I was fucking my uncle last christmas ;_; Then he passed out and died to carbon monoxide ;_;
I wouldn't call Joonas a troll. His posts are often about what COB should change to become better, or how the old style was better, but he still talks of COB, unlike some. (For example Kaiso) If you don't like his posts why don't you skip them?
You're wrong. 95% of his post are about old COB. 5% are manly answers to sentences like this. I had him on my ignore list a time ago but then I realized how lame this forum is without his gay and dumb bla bla.

My dick got stuck and had to be cut off while I was fucking my uncle last christmas ;_; Then he passed out and died to carbon monoxide ;_;

All these years I've been making deep creativity-provoking discussions here only to be called a troll?

It seems everyone who does anything apart from cheering for the band's latest album is a troll.
The term "troll" has suffered a massive inflation, everything is trolling and everyone with differing opinions is a troll these days.

EDIT: But back on this forum's main topic (bashing Joonas): I actually agree with him on most parts, including Alexi's vocals being shit, new COB being shit and tasting like money. The difference is however, that I realized a long time ago, that the band will never do anything that would interest me again, so I rather listen to good bands than hope for once good bands to do something decent again. Of course it would be cool if they released an album as good as Something Wild some day, but that as likely as Bioware making good games anymore.
but that as likely as Bioware making good games anymore.
They'll release a remake of Baldur's gate this summer. No need to complain.

As for COB, I still like the new stuff, although a lot less than the early works. But I agree just as almost everyone else that Alexi should purely focus on his guitar playing and find another vocalist. Hell, Henkka would be a better vocalist.
EDIT: But back on this forum's main topic (bashing Joonas): I actually agree with him on most parts, including Alexi's vocals being shit, new COB being shit and tasting like money. The difference is however, that I realized a long time ago, that the band will never do anything that would interest me again, so I rather listen to good bands than hope for once good bands to do something decent again. Of course it would be cool if they released an album as good as Something Wild some day, but that as likely as Bioware making good games anymore.

Indeed I had some expectations after the wild promises about the new album, and the way the SKO samples sounded, but then came the single and the rest of the album and that moment I realized what had happened. All the way thru the album process the band was silent as grave... but the truth soon emerged: they didn't have much to cheer about. Given the amount of thought and visions I shared with this ambition, the frustration took equally long to disperse, but it's okay now. Atm I'm listening to Naglfar - Vittra.