Holy crap, Regimental Records STORE is only 6 miles from my house

I called too! No answer, but still. The damned website says "store...now OPEN," Fridays from 12 PM - 10 PM.

Fucking jerks. I got to look at the merch through the window though, so that was pretty neat.
RC bylaws ... article IV sub paragraph 3.2

and I qoute ...

"All new registrants that also are the proprietors of music distribution centers, must allow for one free music CD for all regulars on said forum. If this is not a viable option, a nice fat fucking discount will sufice"

lurch70 said:
RC bylaws ... article IV sub paragraph 3.2

and I qoute ...

"All new registrants that also are the proprietors of music distribution centers, must allow for one free music CD for all regulars on said forum. If this is not a viable option, a nice fat fucking discount will sufice"


Sorry, I wish we could, but we do offer 3 CDs for $25, postage paid in U.S.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Joe, I'm just going to warn you now: ignore everyone in this forum except me & JayKeeley.


he is right about this one ... these two will put your kids through college
everything at regimental is just $6.66 postage paid in the US until the 24th.

already ordered that myrddraal cd for that price. unbeatable
Well, they have Spite Extreme Wing's "Non Dvcor, Dvco" which is supposed to be utterly outstanding. At HC the vendor was urging me to buy it and of course I went and bought that fucken Temnozor instead. Ugh. Anyway, here's a review.

Then there are the usual suspects: Bergthron, Dimmu, Emperor, Helheim, Himinbjorg, etc.

Hey look at that, they have both October Falls albums.
i was eyeing that Dub Buk album, and I hear that Myrddraal is quite nice.

erik you might like that skyforger album. and anyone who doesnt have that samael stuff needs it immediately.

whats Runes of Dianecht like? moontower?