HOLY CRAP! This is my kind of tour

What the...Vader and Goatwhore TOGETHER with my favorite band of all time??? See, you Americans DO get good gigs once in a while! While the only bands coming to my place are Type O Negative and Dimmu Borgir :(
deathfalls said:
i really hope ben brings this tour to new orleans...otherwise i'll be quite pissed. considering goatwhore is from new orleans and all :)

I would like to go there sometime :wave:
That sounds like an awesome tour. I'll probably have to hit Buffalo, since there is no way that Nile is getting into Canada, but I'm there.

Squeak, you might have also heard about the Dimmu Borgir / Immortal / Children of Bodom tour? Wait a second, you know those guys, of course you've heard about it. That one should be a lot of fun too.
this news makes me feel...

seriously though, cool. \m/