HOLY CRAP! This is my kind of tour

DaMenace123 said:
Amon Amarth, please come to Houston on this tour! I know the turnout last time was kinda shitty but still please come!

Wherever you guys come I'm there. Shit, I'm piss drunk at my fiance sister's B-day party and I lost a game of ping-pong. The ball was moving so slow, why did I lose, lkj;ekj I better go., l;katjerlk'
DaMenace123 -- Houston will likely be the tour's first date (past history being what it has for Nile's touring habits)

BigFakeSmile -- I think you'll have much different feelings after this tour is over ;) really looking forward to seeing you!!
hello. My name is Anders.I am appalled at the way people here treat you for no reason. So from Bern, I send you this as apology

in all due seriousness, i am definitely looking forward to this show like a madman. i mean, i love vader, immolation, and kreator, but amon amon amarth is just one of the best death metal bands going right now. plus, there were 2 potential tours i could have seen them again (the one with deicide, and the other with the metal gods, which i had my tickets), but luckily for me i got the chance to see them in their first us tour (jan 27, 2002 at the culture room in ft. lauderdale, fl) was just one of the best shows i have been to, and considering my entire neck and spine were messed up from all of the headbanging and just left me walking weird the following day goes to show how much fun i had at the show. anyhow, this tour is going to be f%cking killer.

Squeak said:
Nile, Vader, Kreator, AMON AMARTH and Goatwhore. Coming to a state near you sometime in late September and early October. This ALMOST makes up for the Metal Gods tour. HELL YA I'M THERE!!! How about you guys??? :Spin: