knew somebody round here would recognize itHenrik Main said:screeching weasel![]()
hey, i was supporting your parking [/newman]Erik said:ugh
1) find a dictionary
2) look up cock rock
3) ???
4) get out
dorian gray said:i cant stand led zeppelin. cock rock at it's finest. i HATE rock.
Erik said:uh, i dont really listen to zep but i kinda appreciate them. definitely appreciate the fact that they broke up before descending into total irrelevance, because for 95% of other "legendary" bands the allure of the mighty $$$ was too powerful to do just that
markgugs said:Well, as much as I appreciate your giving them credit, they *most likely* broke up b/c Bonham died, not b/c they wanted to preserve any sort of credibility or anything. I have no doubt they'd still be milking their name & legend today if he hadn't passed.
Erik said:uh its not like countless other bands havent replaced a crucial member to continue making $$$ though?
dorian gray said:like led zep havent sold the rights to every one of their songs to virtually any company who wants them. anyone see the infuriatingly stupid cadi-fuckin-lac commercials? what, exactly, is so cool about led zeppelin?
yeah, ive heard every one of their goddam songs - many of you guys are a bit too young to have parents who worshipped them - like mine did. how old are your dads now? 40? maybe? anyway, i didnt bother to memorize every goddam song title. i couldnt tell you many song titles of albums i listen to on a daily basis. i dont read lyrics either. theyre just not that interesting.
i guess im pretty stupid eh? when all you dorian-haters graduate from high school or college or whatever, come back and tell me you have time or energy to memorize song titles. in the meantime, im gonna go sulk in the corner.