Holy Fuck.

I prefer speaking about stupid shit with the artists because they've heard all the same questions and they usually just want an interesting conversation with someone and to talk about something completely different.

Exactly. Only person I was really ever starstruck by, meaning I ran up to them with a setlist and was like OMG PLEASE SIGN THIS... was the first time I met Tony Kakko. I don't know why, I've met a lot more famous people than him but for some reason I was just totally blown away. When I was backstage with Borgir, it was kind of a like a lucid dream for me. Simen is one of my favourite singers and meeting him and hanging out for an hour was really incredible. I hope I can weasel my way backstage again on the next tour, we'll see. Being a tour headlined by Danzig it might be a lot harder.
Negro-fascist..... pure win. But, again, they canceled the show I wanted to go to next month because they rather tour the states big time... Well, at least this time they're not waiting for the evening of the show to announce that they're not gonna be there. :rolleyes:
Did you oblige?
No, I was surprised when he asked me because it came out of absolutely nowhere. After that, he kind of looked and acted like he was already strung out so I conveniently dissociated myself from the conversation and left. Not into coke.
Simen asked me for cocaine one time.
So? Big deal :lol: If that's supposed to be something significant then I could tell you some REAL crazy backstage stories.... but I have to ask.. did that even really happen? I find it hard to believe. I mean, I'm sure he does drugs, and I don't give a shit if he does coke. Unless he was really fucked up (and even then it's doubtful because I'm sure he's used to being mangled) why would he just come up to you, a stranger, out of all the people there t the venue he knows, his crew, his bandmates, the tour manager, friends he knows in that city that would be in attendance, why you? There would have been a lot of people there who would have hooked him up. I am not calling you a liar I just don't believe you. I know a lot of people who say dumb shit about bands to try and sound cool, hell even related to this I know of a girl who said Simen and Galder both tried to rape her at the same time. Then upon further questioning I owned her hard. People just like to talk shit. I'm not saying that is you but you'll understand my apprehension to take this as fact without questioning it.

And the sand part is he's actually really, really nice, if you met him he'd be really friendly and toss you a beer and invite you to come sit down. He's a funny guy too. I had a great time.
Maybe the coke wasn't for him. Maybe it was for his future rape victim.
It all makes sense now! Thanks for putting the pieces together for me.

He works for a radio station and does interviews and stuff, I believe. That's probably how and why he was asked.
Well, in my experiences, interviewers are the LEAST likely person they're going to go to for drugs, I mean come on :p unless it's a friend they know won't write about that shit or they're just too fucked up to care however. From what I've seen, interviewers and people in bands kind of have an invisible barrier between them. People in bands don't open up fully, they just answer the questions they're asked, and then bounce. They aren't that close. You can get a lot more info from a friendly conversation really.

I had an epic picnic type interview with Mike Lepond at a festival... fucking awesome guy, nicest person in the world. We basically just sat around hanging out for 45 mins, laughing and making fun of SymX fans and shit. Then we split up and ended up meeting up again by the Stage and we hung out again for another hour. Really a lot of fun! But I only had about 10 mins worth of questions and if I had gone in all professional asking the boring, same old questions he'd heard from every other asshole he would have been turned off and just did what he had to do and left.

But the thing is, if you go in as an interviewer it's kind of a shortened experience but if you go in as a friendly person, and incorporate the interview into the time you're hanging out, they want to stick with you more because they're having fun, they're just regular people :p

Besides, most interviews occur BEFORE the show, and I sincerely doubt he was fucked up and partying doing cocaine before a show, after the show probably. Another thing I will say though is Dimmu aren't insane like you'd think, sure they can party but they're quiet dudes who like to just relax after a show, very shy and private.
gosh Heartless Name, im so glad that your vast experience hanging out backstage has proven kevin, someone everyone already likes and has no reason to exaggerate about something so trivial, a complete liar! i see now that you're the only one that hangs out backstage and you're the only one that has crazy stories to tell. we're all just lucky to bask in your reflected celebrity and intimate knowledge of the workings of the music biz. i see now that kevin has been lying to me for years! he even staged an elaborate ruse to make me think i was watching him and his partner perform their radio show, but now i see it just must have been someones garage or something. STOP LYING KEVIN, WE ALL KNOW YOU DONT HANG OUT WITH ROCKSTARS!!!
When I first got here, I had never seen all these bands that I had been listening to for years because I wasn't in the position to see them. I remember stars in the eyes and just really thinking how unbelievable it was that I was actually hanging out with these ppl. After seeing the majority of metal bands in the past few years and hanging out with them, I realized that it's quite stupid to be starstruck. I don't like autographs and asskissers and that's exactly what you have to deal with at shows. I'd rather just talk about something completely off the wall than the same shit over and over, and I'm sure they would too.

In fact, here, there is no backstage unless it's a giant festival. The bands are forced to mingle with the fans because there's no place to put them. I remember one time at James LaBrie's solo show, he got freaked out when he realized there wasn't very much security for autographs and stuff and everyone started laughing at him and his conceitedness, that he actually thought he was that important to people.

Fanboys and girls are everywhere, but to feel honored to be able to talk to someone quasi-famous (and that person's fame is only among a very small percentage of music fans) is just stupid. I'm not waiting outside a venue to talk to someone unless I have to do an interview for some stupid reason, and I hate doing interviews as well. Usually I'm doing it to help a webzine because they can't speak fucking English. If they want to speak and hang out, they can find me in the smoke pit between shows. That's how I met the guy from God Dethroned...ended up shooting the shit with them and Severe Torture outside all through Vader's show, which I had already seen before.

Another thing, most of these artists are really nice because they want you to buy their cds. Half the time they're just tired or pissed and just want to go to sleep on the bus...except for Nevermore. They were always up for partying afterwards. Warrel was always on the hunt for grappa. So whatever experiences ppl may flaunt about how much they know these ppl, most of the time they're just appeasing you and being nice for the sake of being nice because they know their names will turn up on Blabbermouth with some douche whining about how much of an asshole Mike Ammott is because he didn't sign all 300 articles of clothing you shoved in his face.
gosh Heartless Name, im so glad that your vast experience hanging out backstage has proven kevin, someone everyone already likes and has no reason to exaggerate about something so trivial, a complete liar! i see now that you're the only one that hangs out backstage and you're the only one that has crazy stories to tell. we're all just lucky to bask in your reflected celebrity and intimate knowledge of the workings of the music biz. i see now that kevin has been lying to me for years! he even staged an elaborate ruse to make me think i was watching him and his partner perform their radio show, but now i see it just must have been someones garage or something. STOP LYING KEVIN, WE ALL KNOW YOU DONT HANG OUT WITH ROCKSTARS!!!

First off call me Joe. Secondly did I call him a liar? :lol: I was speaking in general. I said I wasn't going to take what he said (or anyone else making a similar claim) as fact without him going into a bit more detail (and he hasn't even been back to respond yet) because of all the other shit I've heard people say about drugs. And again, this is not directed at him, but if you can't handle being asked for cocaine/any drug in that environment, or think it's a big thing to repeat to others that someone 'famous' asked you for drugs, then you shouldn't be there. :lol:

When I first got here, I had never seen all these bands that I had been listening to for years because I wasn't in the position to see them. I remember stars in the eyes and just really thinking how unbelievable it was that I was actually hanging out with these ppl. After seeing the majority of metal bands in the past few years and hanging out with them, I realized that it's quite stupid to be starstruck. I don't like autographs and asskissers and that's exactly what you have to deal with at shows. I'd rather just talk about something completely off the wall than the same shit over and over, and I'm sure they would too.

In fact, here, there is no backstage unless it's a giant festival. The bands are forced to mingle with the fans because there's no place to put them. I remember one time at James LaBrie's solo show, he got freaked out when he realized there wasn't very much security for autographs and stuff and everyone started laughing at him and his conceitedness, that he actually thought he was that important to people.

Fanboys and girls are everywhere, but to feel honored to be able to talk to someone quasi-famous (and that person's fame is only among a very small percentage of music fans) is just stupid. I'm not waiting outside a venue to talk to someone unless I have to do an interview for some stupid reason, and I hate doing interviews as well. Usually I'm doing it to help a webzine because they can't speak fucking English. If they want to speak and hang out, they can find me in the smoke pit between shows. That's how I met the guy from God Dethroned...ended up shooting the shit with them and Severe Torture outside all through Vader's show, which I had already seen before.

Another thing, most of these artists are really nice because they want you to buy their cds. Half the time they're just tired or pissed and just want to go to sleep on the bus...except for Nevermore. They were always up for partying afterwards. Warrel was always on the hunt for grappa. So whatever experiences ppl may flaunt about how much they know these ppl, most of the time they're just appeasing you and being nice for the sake of being nice because they know their names will turn up on Blabbermouth with some douche whining about how much of an asshole Mike Ammott is because he didn't sign all 300 articles of clothing you shoved in his face.

This man gets it. Although you can tell sometimes when people are being fake nice (Alexi Laiho) or genuinely kind from the heart (Everyone in Symphony X).

P.S. Mike Ammot is really nice and very friendly (a bit shy though). He did actually sign everyone's shit at the AE show. Angela and Chris are major douchebags though, although it might have been an off night for them. Can't judge a person from one meeting.
gosh Heartless Name, im so glad that your vast experience hanging out backstage has proven kevin, someone everyone already likes and has no reason to exaggerate about something so trivial, a complete liar! i see now that you're the only one that hangs out backstage and you're the only one that has crazy stories to tell. we're all just lucky to bask in your reflected celebrity and intimate knowledge of the workings of the music biz. i see now that kevin has been lying to me for years! he even staged an elaborate ruse to make me think i was watching him and his partner perform their radio show, but now i see it just must have been someones garage or something. STOP LYING KEVIN, WE ALL KNOW YOU DONT HANG OUT WITH ROCKSTARS!!!

And for the record I'm not bragging you smug bastard :). Sorry you're too jealous or whatever your problem is to just take interest in a simple story. I don't really have anyone to talk to about my adventures or the bands I like, people here don't really give a fuck who any of these bands are so I like to share my stories with people who know who the fuck I'm talking about and maybe they'll get a kick from them.
Sharlee D'Angelo was hilarious and a really nice guy. He's fucking huuuuge.

Didn't see Angela and Mike...everyone ran into their bus and stayed there besides Sharlee and the guitarist who replaced Chris, who now plays with Opeth...I forget his name.

However, I can't blame Angela for being a cunt to these fans because they don't want to talk about music with her, they want to ogle and ask stupid and perverted questions, and after several years I'm sure she tires of it. She's performing onstage and some douche is throwing a pen and paper to her for an autograph like some giddy little girl at an N'Sync concert.

People can slam pop music and emo music all they want, but metal fans are just as ridiculous and even dumber sometimes.