Holy mother of fuck, the #1 cd of 2004 at this moment in time is....

Erik said:
But heh, I'd like to hear the new Death Angel as well. I didn't even know it was finished.
It's got a street release date of May 4th.

I hate this thread! It excites me without telling me anything about the album. :heh: I wonder if it's a continuation of Act III? Or is it 'back to roots'? :loco:
Well, I got a copy of it too ... there are some amazing moments. Some Ultra Violence moments ... some Act III moments ...

Some songs eerily sound like a fast Motorhead, like "Thicker than Blood".

"The Evil Incarnate" sounds like a Trouble song in the first half and the second half sounds like Sabbath ... especially Marks singing ... listen to this and tell me otherwise ...
"Land of Blood" is almost punk in it's delivery.

I do like "Spirit" and "Thrown to the Wolves" a lot ...

A great comeback, nonetheless, but still the new Exodus takes the cake ...
I will be duly impressed if it's better then Exodus' latest. That album fucking kills.
It's not .. but there are some brilliant tracks on it.

The new EXODUS will be hard to beat for Album of the Year .. there is just so much passion and pure aggression that comes through on that CD. It is almost like their lives depended on making that killer disc. Fucking amazing ... :worship:

My fave after just listening some more to the new DA .... "5 Steps to Freedom" :rock: :rock: :rock:
Force of Habit doesn't count (just because I say so, for no other reason). And Act III was 10+ years ago.

In that regards, this is each band's first "real" album in 10+ years. All I'm saying is that for Death Angel's new one to be better than Exodus, it's going to have seriously stop my heart.

As for Dismember, I'm a Dismember-n00b. The new one is the only one I've ever heard. If it's not as good as their earlier albums, than they're the greatest death metal band ever.
Dismember ??? I picked up their debut at the time it was released and it sucked donkey balls from what I remeber, nothing that stood out at the time when the market was flooded with good DM ... did not hear anything from them since ... but cannot imagine them doing anything brilliant.

This new DA is growing on me ... Mark is doing some diverse things on each track as far as vocals ... I think this will crush live. There is something missing in the production on this record ... some more punch in the drums would have been nice.
only 2004 stuff I;ve heard is the new Orphaned Land, Eyes of Fire, the Finntroll EP, Drudkh, and Clutch. DOn't know which is the best, though.