The top 10 of 2004 thread


safe in the cornfields
Well, i have been writing my article for Metalwhore on the top 10 of 2004. Almost done. BUt, i figure, i'll post mine, and anyone else that has some, post theres. Or, said in true UM fashion, i'll show you mine, you show me yours :D

So, here is my list...not in order, until it gets to number 1.

10. Amon Amarth-Fate of Norns: A kickass album overall. I love Amon Amarth's sound, they seemed to stay pretty fuckin vicious here.

9. 1349-Beyind the Apocalypse: When it coems to black metal, this is probably the fastest band you will ever find, courtesy of the drumming black god Frost. Better produced than their earlier album, letting you hear all the goodness.

8. Megadeth-The System has Failed: Personally, I thought this cd was a great comeback for the band. I was so happy to hear it. After Risk i was afraid for Megadeth's future but this brought back my hope for one of my favorite bands.

7. Wintersun-Wintersun: Jari's solo album, with the help of Kai Haito on drums, kicks a lot of ass. A great mix of speed, folk, and thrash metal. Great guitar work and production!

6. Impaled Nazarene-All that you Fear: The gods of Nuclear Metal put out one hell of cd this year. Great production, some blazing guitar work, tight drums, and of course Luttinen's insane vocals. Oh yeah.

5. Finntroll-Nattfödd: Finntroll always release a great album when they do, and they did it yet again. Wilska takes over the vocals very well, and there is no shortage of accordions, banjos, and the like. Great drinking album of course!

4. Decapitated-The Negation: Technical death from Poland, and not even 23 years old yet, this band always did rule, and this album brings out even more in them. A little more straightforward than their last effort but nonetheless impressive as fuck.

3. Ensiferum-Iron: This album is a gorgeous blend of folk metal, growling vocals, clean vocals, thrashy guitars, and the whole nine. This is another one of those must buy albums this year, even if you have to order it online.

2. Necrophagist-Epitaph: Gutiars that will make you cry, tight drums, brutal vocals. This is technical death metal at its best. Seriously, anyone who is a fan of the genre...needs to hear this cd.

And the number one album this year, in my opinion....

Norther-Death Unlimited.

I loved Dreams of Endless War, I loved Mirror of Madness, and Death Unlimited just shows how much the band grew. Sure i migh take flak from giving the 'bodom ripoffs' as everyone calls them(if i hear it again, person is going to get a bottle of lonkero thrown at them) the number one spot, but frankly i don't care what people say. This album, after listening to it a couple of times, completely sinks in. It isn't instantly satisfying like Mirror was...but after a few listens, its true brilliance shines through. Great riffing and song structure, amazing vocals, even tighter drums, strong production, the whole nine went into this album. Norther are one of, IMO; the most underrated bands out there, in the US they are hard to find, and some people blow them off too quick as a ripoff band. If they keep going in this direction, I can forsee them blowing a lot of bands out of the water, because its rare that a band gets better and better and better three albums consectutively. They already managed to blast a few out of the water. So congrats to my friends in Helsinki/Espoo, you manged to grab Metalwhore's top honor of the year. Sure it ain't Metal Maniacs or Terrorizer, but it shows the little guys out there really do know who you are.

alrighty, what about youse? There were many other great albums this year that didn't quite make top 10 which i'll be going over in the full article.
you have excellent taste fenrir. I just got Death Unlimited and it is blowing me away. It's really catchy...that bodom style..but just...way more intense. I love it. Awesome tone and production too. I agree about 1349, as well as Decapitated..holy shit, they're awesome. Impaled Nazarene too...that CD is killer. The only one I've gotten bored with on your list is Amon amarth...didn't get into it as much as I did their previous album.

Another one I really think is great is the Therion Double LP Lemuria and Sirius B. That is an amazing package as well. oh yeah and...

awesome list. i must admit i wouldnt put norther as number one but :) it's opinion eh? and i still love them anyway :p but yes great list nonetheless.
1. Decapitated – The Negation
2. Lamb of God – Ashes of the Wake
3. Mayhem - Chimera
4. Fragments of Unbecoming – Skywards
5. Mastodon - Leviathan

Something like that..
Didn't All That You Fear come out already in 2003? Ah, who cares. Anyhow, my list :

Amoral : Wound Creations

Holy cow. Finnish technical/death/prog/melo metallers really dropped my jaw with their stunning debut album. If you don't know these guys already, do yourself a favour and drag your ass to !

Finntroll : Nattfödd

I thought it wasn't possible to top Jaktens Tid but it apparently is. Wilska might be even better than Katla which was really suprising to me.

Wintersun : s/t

When I heard Jari had left Ensiferum for his solo-project I was really dissapointed. I thought Wintersun was generic power metal or something like that but when I heard the sample of Winter Madness I was completely blown away. You can't really top the Hahto+Mäenpää combination. A really diverse album which gets more interesting spin by spin.

The Haunted - rEVOLVEr

Dolving is one angry motherfucker.

Insomnium - Since The Day It All Came Down

Finnish metal in the vein of old Sentenced/Amorphis. Really good and diverse stuff; the faster songs kick your ass and the slower, epic ones are unbelievably beautiful. The title track is perhaps the best song of the year (excluding COB :-P).

Omnium Gatherum - Years In Waste

A perfect autumn album. Only Finns can compose stuff like this. Really moody and agressive. J. Pikka is really convincing on drums.

Ensiferum - Iron

I didn't quite like this album when I heard it for the first time, I actually didn't even feel like buying it even though I loved the debut and I had waited this for long time. However, after seeing them live with Pete I just had to get it. Now I even might prefer it to the debut. Iron and Slayer Of Light are killer tracks.

Norther - Death Unlimited

The best Norther release to date. Some really good songs but there are a few tracks in the middle I don't fancy at all (I want to shoot the fucker who mixed the chorus vocals of A Fallen Star ;)). Pete is one hell of a vocalist.

Sotajumala - Death Metal Finland

Brutal Finnish death metal. Gotta love the lyrics.

Deathchain - Deadmeat Disciples

Kuopio deathrash in your face. Brutal stuff with somewhat catchy choruses. KILLS.

Bubbling under : Shade Empire - Sinthetic, Nightwish - Once..

I'm pretty sure I forgot a million albums from that list.

Now that I think of it, it's been a hell of a year. I still haven't been able to check out everything I've wanted to, like Spawn Of Possession, Mokoma and Necrophagist. I mean, geez, metal is doing so damn well. New releases of just Finnish bands seem to keep me busy 24/7.
also not in order:

- Sear Bliss - Glory And Perdition
- Sonata Arctica - Reckoning Night
- Wintersun - Wintersun
- Hypocrisy - The Arrival
- Edguy - Hellfire Club
- Finntroll - Nattföd
- Norther - Death Unlimited
Also some good tastes everyone! :D Seems like we are all riding a similar boat this year. I have to say that Therion album is JUST under for me, along with the new Nightwish, the new Hypocrisy, and the new Deicide album. I mean, when you have to narrow it down to 10, i just had to figure, ok, what did i listen to the most? It was a pretty good year overall thought! I just hope next year holds up...looks promising so far!

As for All that you didnt get to the US til about March of 2004. So, since it technically was released in 2003, now that i dug up the info, i gotta pick a different one. FUck the US sometimes for getting stuff late, but at least i dont have to worry about that anymore :D
Therion - Sirius B/Lemuria <- my favourite this year
Rammstein - Reise reise
Slipknot - The subliminal verses
Suffocation - Souls to deny
Kreator - Enemy of god
Orphaned land - Mabool
Killswitch Engage - The end of heartache
Edguy - Hellfire club
Ayreon - Human equation

Can't think of another one right now.