holy shit my bands cd is finally out


Jun 27, 2004
shameless promotion I know, but it's a pretty big deal for me. we've been working on this thing so much since 2010 that seeing it finally be able to come out (and i think actually better than it previously would've) is really awesome. i've uploaded it here for anyone here who has heard my band, digs thrash metal, digs awesome shredding or just wants to listen to some free shit. if any of you guys like it i'd really appreciate it if you shared it, posted it on a torrent site/message board/metal blog you're on or anything like that, since honestly the best feeling is that people out there are actually listening to and enjoying the cd i poured so much of my life into haha!

if you want to also buy it you can buy it from us or the label releasing it (stormspell records), but if you want to just download it and listen to it while you break stuff or pump insane iron i'll be just as happy.

here's the download link:


i really appreciate anyone who checks it out and if you have any feedback (good or bad, i appreciate both) please share it with me. thanks!
nah probably not, we kinda split because everyone had things going on/making the album was extremely stressful. the bassist and i are pretty much the ones promoting it/trying to get it out there because we spent so much time on it and really want as many people as possible to hear it (and hopefully like it). depending on how things go we might join back up again and start doing other stuff but it depends on what we're all doing. for me it's just a huge relief it's finally out and it feels really good knowing some people out there who have been waiting can finally hear it (may not be a huge number but it's still nice and in the end underground and indie bands pretty much make music for themselves and the love of it). thanks for the support though, glad you dig some of it!
thanks again everyone! lots of people have been checking it out and the feedback has been pretty good so i'm pretty happy, can hardly believe it's finally out and i'll be quite excited to see when we get some more reviews (our bassist is sending out copies), even if they're good or bad.

@azal, i haven't heard of them but i'll definitely check them out
Noetic Affliction is phenomenal man, the blast beats... The outro... It's like Warbringer meets Sepultura.
Holy crap so many awesome fast riffs! I'm clicking add to cart right now, you deserve every penny for your work. Great job!
Noetic Affliction is phenomenal man, the blast beats... The outro... It's like Warbringer meets Sepultura.

That's what it reminds me of as well, with a small dose of The Haunted.:headbang:

God man, this needs to get some press coverage. It's better than most of the stuff Havok has released.
Alternatively...States side MOTHER TRUCKERS. I d/l'd the record, so I don't need it now but wanna purchase it anyway - so IF one of you want me to buy the CD and have it posted to you in the States (if you weren't gonna buy it anyway) then lemme know.
I don't like the vocals so much, a bit one dimensional. And the logo doesn't really fit to your music imo.

Besides that: There are some fucking taaaaaasty riffs on that record. Awesome job.
damn, thanks guys! when you work on something so long you get so used to it so i didn't know how people would react, but the feedback has been pretty great everywhere! i'm fine no matter what the feedback is though so having it be positive is just icing on the cake, the most common complaints i pretty much already know.

@theoden, yeah it's Dan Seagrave, he did the cover for our 2nd EP "Demented Perception" (the image in my sig which is wayyyy detailed haha) and for the 3rd EP we went to another guy for a different kind of thing which I still think is cool and fits, but for the album we knew we had to go back with Dan because of how simply amazing the stuff he does is. The meaning behind it and how it all connects is really awesome, and I'm glad the physical CD is out because seeing the entire thing unobstructed is insane!

@craysh,altitudes,talkingbackwards and krigloch, thanks! definitely glad you guys dig it and hearing it compared to other bands who kick ass/are signed and doing stuff is pretty awesome haha

@derek, yeah we don't have anything set up to buy it online in digital format (not that many people would buy it we assume since most of the people who buy our stuff still buy cds and having it be digitally free promotes the most sharing possible), but all your support seriously kicks ass. if you want to buy it and use the case as a coaster that's cool or just enjoying it and sharing it is just as cool or even cooler

@mrsister, thanks! yeah the logo we've had for a long time so i couldn't imagine changing it (though we've had it touched up) and yeah the vocals are something we've struggled with for a long time, i'm the guitarist/vocalist and i took over once we parted with our original vocalist and though i've been trying to get better (which i think it slowly has been since the demented ep) i'm always busy trying to push the song writing/lyrics/riffs further and end up not doing as much for the vocals. if we start doing shows again/getting back into gear i'm either going to really spend some intense time practicing/writing more specific vocal lines etc or we'd just get a new singer that can do the same style + more versatility and other things we want. i don't really dig singing all that much, i just like being a rhythm monster, headbanging and shredding.