my bands demo, feedback would be appreciated

yeh singer dude needs to accept that hes a 16 year old skinny pipsqueak, quit trying to sound like he has a deep voice, and fuckin YELL like hes got a pair. geez.

yeah live he sounds a lot different at least as far as i can tell because i;m more focused on playing than hearing him, but he does do more aggressive yelling vocals live, i think its just weird for him to record and such. hopefully in time he'll come up with some new stuff and get more used to it since he's naturally a guitar player, he just offered to sing for us since we couldn't find anyone.

@hangtime, i can see where you're coming from but we're not really out to create some weird new genre or just do weird shit, we just write whatever comes to us and since most of our influences are thrash, it just comes out as a heavy sort of thrash. we're not around to emulate the 80s like a lot of the retro thrash bands are but i think its hard not to have the influence of that in your music when most of what you listen to is thrash or early death. thanks for saying your straight up opinion though.