new demo, feedback would really be appreciated


Jun 27, 2004
i know everyone here probably hates my band whore threads by now but i'd really like and appreciate some opinions. we just recorded a new demo which is a new song (incarcerate) and a rerecording of an old song (drug justice) and we've put them up on our myspace and so far the feedback has been really positive. if anyone has anything to say (positive or negative is definitely welcome) i'd really appreciate it. if you only have time to listen to one song and give feedback it would be better if you could listen to incarcerate since thats completely new and we've had drug justice written for a really long time so its not as good of a representation of our writing now. thanks to anyone who responds.
It sounds like DRI meets SOD meets Metallica. The solos are really Hammet-sounding, not bad! The song Incarcerate had the most awesome potential at the beginning, but you slowed the tempo down instead of speeding it up after the build. I mean, the standard polka beat gets old after a while, but if you do something really extreme and fast with it, it can be tolerable. The song sounds like you guys blew your load before you even put it in, and the rest of the song sounds like it's trying to catch up with the intro, but never does.

Dude, Drug Justice is SOD meets Metallica...good thrashy solo, cool riffage, even if it's does the job and it's quite the headbanger.

I think once your drummer gets better, you'll improve immensely as a band. That seems to be your weak point. If you're gonna be more of a polka beat thrash band and use the snare a lot, the drummer needs to really work on his hands and speed that snare tempo up. However, I'd say his biggest weakness is in his feet, and that's just a matter of time and practice. You guys are young, you've got at least another 5 or 6 years before you'll really be flooring people with your abilities. You seem to be off to a good start, though!

I also like the fact that you guys are playing in standard E. In my opinion, thrash doesn't need to be tuned down any more than D...but I prefer E.
It sounds like DRI meets SOD meets Metallica. The solos are really Hammet-sounding, not bad! The song Incarcerate had the most awesome potential at the beginning, but you slowed the tempo down instead of speeding it up after the build. I mean, the standard polka beat gets old after a while, but if you do something really extreme and fast with it, it can be tolerable. The song sounds like you guys blew your load before you even put it in, and the rest of the song sounds like it's trying to catch up with the intro, but never does.

Dude, Drug Justice is SOD meets Metallica...good thrashy solo, cool riffage, even if it's does the job and it's quite the headbanger.

I think once your drummer gets better, you'll improve immensely as a band. That seems to be your weak point. If you're gonna be more of a polka beat thrash band and use the snare a lot, the drummer needs to really work on his hands and speed that snare tempo up. However, I'd say his biggest weakness is in his feet, and that's just a matter of time and practice. You guys are young, you've got at least another 5 or 6 years before you'll really be flooring people with your abilities. You seem to be off to a good start, though!

I also like the fact that you guys are playing in standard E. In my opinion, thrash doesn't need to be tuned down any more than D...but I prefer E.

we actually are in D but thanks for the feedback man! the drummer comment is pretty funny because he basically thinks he's amazing and what we play is super easy for him even though he fucks up a lot sometimes haha. again thanks for the really detailed feedback, i appreciate it!
Not terrible, I hear lots of old thrash sound coming through. Can't talk about the production, but I will say if you guys had the right person producing it wouldn't sound bad. Continue to work on things and they will get better.
thanks, yeah the production is a little disappointing but we recorded it in about 2 days from 1-7 pm for extremely cheap from a friend of our vocalist so it doesn't sound amazingly professional haha, definitely good for the conditions though i think. hopefully someday we can get in a studio for a long time and not have any time constraints.
My personal opinion? You guys are good at what you do, but there's absolutely nothing there that keeps me interested. To be honest, I didn't even make it through the first song because there was just nothing there that made me go "fuck, this is good... fresh, new, and invigorating." Instead, I just thought "Hey, another new band playing old thrash."

So power to you for doing your thing, but your thing isn't my thing anymore and hasn't been for a long time. But best of luck to you guys though because I know this music is getting quite popular again and you guys definitely do the opposite of suck. The production isn't bad at all, and I wouldn't really expect anything better from a young band with limited resources. I'd say, given the circumstances and conditions, it does sound pretty good. I don't see the production alone turning anyone away from the band.

In a nutshell, you guys are good but I'd never listen to it... mainly just because I don't really care about thrash anymore. Fortunately, I'm just one dude :lol:
My personal opinion? You guys are good at what you do, but there's absolutely nothing there that keeps me interested. To be honest, I didn't even make it through the first song because there was just nothing there that made me go "fuck, this is good... fresh, new, and invigorating." Instead, I just thought "Hey, another new band playing old thrash."

So power to you for doing your thing, but your thing isn't my thing anymore and hasn't been for a long time. But best of luck to you guys though because I know this music is getting quite popular again and you guys definitely do the opposite of suck. The production isn't bad at all, and I wouldn't really expect anything better from a young band with limited resources. I'd say, given the circumstances and conditions, it does sound pretty good. I don't see the production alone turning anyone away from the band.

In a nutshell, you guys are good but I'd never listen to it... mainly just because I don't really care about thrash anymore. Fortunately, I'm just one dude :lol:

ah well thanks for listening and trying it and the feedback, i know a lot of people think that way about a lot of the new thrash bands, i do too about some of them haha
first song is a bit lackluster. the problem is the same as with most of this 'old school thrash' in that the songs are pretty fast, but somehow it still lacks that feeling of energy, especially coming after the intro which seems to promise shit is about to get nuts, then it takes a step down. maybe some crazier drum fills and some ping/ride patterns would liven it up a bit. 2nd song is more simple, but definitely more energized. singer sounds exponentially better than in the past. i dont really care much for this kind of metal though, the only 'throwback' i listen to is Municipal Waste, because they mix some awesome metal riffage with plenty of catchy riffs and enough energy for 3 bands. most of the rest get bogged down in constant 4/4 kick/snare alternate picking riffs that just dont interest me.
haha yeah we definitely aren't as badass as municipal waste, thanks for the feedback though, i'll tell our drummer what people think of the drum stuff since he's actually been throwing in some heavier stuff and different stuff more recently instead of the to ta to ta to ta thrash beat which is nice.