Holy Shit @ Nickelback

James Murphy said:
how come?

They just ripped off (and pissed off) a bunch of prominent engineers in the Vancouver scene by not paying up and other things. I wouldn't be suprised if that's why Staub's name isn't on their website's credit list :D Not that they've ripped him off, I don't know about that, but I know they've ripped off people he works with regularly so I doubt he'd be seen there.

That and I know a bunch of people who worked or interned there and they don't really have nice things to say and lots of faulty gear.

Most of the old Little Mountain crew that are still around work at The Warehouse and Armoury Studios (Run by Bruce Fairbairn's family)
Staub works at both frequently.
Matt Smith said:
Speaking of CLA, here's a pretty cool gear-rundown I came across a while back:

interesting... line6 ECHO Pro on vocals and main delays..... i used this unit on the DAATH cd i recently mixed for RR... the guitarist of DAATH, Eyal, happened to have one and i usually prefer to have outboard delay. i used my Eventide DSP 4000 for vocals and some "goosed" notes in solos, but for the normal delay and for several "specials" i used Eyal's ECHO Pro, and loved it... gonna be picking one up soon. Cool to see that someone i respect as much as CLA likes that unit too. \m/

btw, i hooked it up to my midi system.. one really cool feature of the ECHO Pro is that it can be set to respond to Midi Beat Clock, so even as tempo changes from section to section in a song, the E.P.'s delay time settings changed right along with it, perfectly... i never had to touch the Tempo or miliseconds settings.
Everytime I hear the name Randy Staub I ALWAYS think of The Urge's 'Master Of Styles'. Cd sounds incredible and is incredible if you can dig on what they're doing (errr, did).
kev said:
If i've read that article right.. The Mesa that i thought was a mesa is actually bloody AMP FARM???? Or what? A combination? Will read through the article more when i get chance fo sure.. hmm or is this just for a roughht mix then.

They rehersed the songs live, but took a clean guitar signal, which was then sent to ampfarm when they re-tracked the drums, so that the drummer didn't have to play to clean guitars. Then they re-tracked the guitars with all the amps listed.
I've always hated Nickleback for the guys they are, and the arrogance they have/had.

But indeed their last album sounds so amazing, I just love that kick drum in there....offcourse the rest also, but the kick..WOWIE!
It's kinda lame to call someone out and then ignore them after they've shown you that you're wrong.
SPLASTiK said:
They just ripped off (and pissed off) a bunch of prominent engineers in the Vancouver scene by not paying up and other things..

I heard they're killing people at will too. They have really gone too far. Not paying people...ok...but killing people? Dont know if its true though:Puke:
Seizure. said:

I just got this album and it's like every friggin track is mixed differently. The guitar tones vary substantially, as does the drum sound from song to song. It's amazing, I can't even imagine how much work would've gone into this.

The guitar at the start of 'Throw yourself away' is inarguably the most crushing recorded guitar tone I have ever heard, extreme metal and all included. It's a shame that the song writing on the album is so poor... although the production more than makes up for it.
cant say im a huge fan of nickleback' but dear goddo they have good sounding records!!

on the subject of tla, any one else like the production/mix for billy talent?
i love it
James Murphy said:
interesting... line6 ECHO Pro on vocals and main delays..... i used this unit on the DAATH cd i recently mixed for RR... the guitarist of DAATH, Eyal, happened to have one and i usually prefer to have outboard delay. i used my Eventide DSP 4000 for vocals and some "goosed" notes in solos, but for the normal delay and for several "specials" i used Eyal's ECHO Pro, and loved it... gonna be picking one up soon. Cool to see that someone i respect as much as CLA likes that unit too. \m/

btw, i hooked it up to my midi system.. one really cool feature of the ECHO Pro is that it can be set to respond to Midi Beat Clock, so even as tempo changes from section to section in a song, the E.P.'s delay time settings changed right along with it, perfectly... i never had to touch the Tempo or miliseconds settings.

Hey James, on a side note, I was on Daath's Myspace page recently and listened to Ovum. Was that some of your work?

If it was, can give you give me a little info on that guitar tone?