
Aborted Fetus

Die Eier Von Satan
I just downloaded the little audio clips for your webpage, and goddamn, I'm very impressed. Looks like I just found a new band to get into. Unfortunately that means my cash supply will be decreasing. :cry:

But all in all, I really need to get your album. I think you guys might very well have nailed the sound I'm craving right now.

:) :) :) :) :)
Another satisfied Skyfire customer! :)

Skyfire is an awesome band, be sure to buy their album, it's great! :)
Originally posted by Aborted Fetus
Well technically I'm not a customer yet (haven't bought the album), but those clips are too damn tempting.

Well, hopefully, you'll become one soon! :)
It seems like too many people just read, and don't post enough, myself included.
Especially on new boards like this one
I noticed that one thread on this board has 5 posts and 155 views
Well, I guess the key point for that is to start having some regular posters here. If people around here start to know each other, they're sure to post a lot more!
We just need a small base of fans heres, like the Soilwork board on EZBOARD has maybe 5 regular posters, but its relaxingly active.

Do we get a prize for being loyal fans and posters? :D hint...hint :p