
Well, I got the album last week, thanks to the website having enough and long enough samples, I hate when the samples are too short to form any oppinion on a band.
So, whoever designed that site :headbang: :worship:
What comes to hanging around here, well, when I see a thread from this board on the new posts I drop by :)
I'm thinking the fact you are at UM is getting a lot more people listening (and the 'right' kind of people). Hell, I wouldn't know you if it wasn't for UM, I was bored one day so I decided to look up all the bands that had forums here and see what I liked. You can see the ones I liked in my profile, of course you know one of them already :D
I like skyfire a lot I have the album but I don't really post round UM much
I'll try and be here more though :)
I try to post as much as I can. When I first found out about the forum I replied to a lot of threads yet only 1 or 2 people replied to what I had to say.. bah!!!!
Why not skim through some old threads and revive the good/interesting ones by replying to them? Might get some activity going.
Thanks Gums :)

So are we going to make it up to a three page thread? :D

And The Suicider there are so many people on the Um board I guess not many people can reply to everything :) :eek: