Calling all Opeth fans...


Sep 9, 2002
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Come on guys!!!!

I guess if it's not Opeth, it's not good... because no one really commented on my other post about Eria d'Or...

Believe me, I'm doing you a favor... this band is good.... very good... perhaps even great (I don't say that very often)...

If you have an interest in other bands beside Opeth, I implore you to go to the following Webpage link and find the audio samples...

If I'm wrong and you think this band totally sucks, I'll stop posting on this forum... which will probably make a lot of you happy... lol!

This is very well written and interesting music.

Please go to the following link and check out the audio samples (All are good!... especially from the Black Well)... They have a very cool vibe going on...

Please answer back with your impressions...

BTW - I have no affilation with this band... As an Opeth fan, I just think they are really interesting.
Wow... that's surprising... I mean the vocals on the first few tracks aren't great... but the music itself, it great my opinion...
Did you listen to the song "The Black Well"? I mean I think that's hardly uninspired music... but you have a right to your opinion... let's see what other people think...
Originally posted by Monsterxman
I guess if it's not Opeth, it's not good... because no one really commented on my other post about Eria d'Or...

Phht :rolleyes: Dude that´s just stupid!

I don´t like the band, no it´s not Opeth, but I´m an Opeth fan so the only reason I don´t like must be because it´s not Opeth, right?
Wrong It´s just boring, In my oppinion of course! But I only listened to 3 minutes of some song which problalby doesn´t tell all the story but I´m not craving for more so I don´t want to spend my time downloading something I don´t like ok, is that good enough for ya?

Edit: and why on earth do you care at all?
I d-loaded The Black Well off the page, cause it's the biggest, so I could get a decent hear....Haven't heard enough to say either way yet...I didn't find it bad or annoying, but it didn't really strike me either....also, the recording volume was very low...

Will try to get a couple more tracks.

No need to attack me. I was trying to use a little sarcasm to get some people to listen to a band, that I think is pretty interesting. If you don't like the band, that's fine... but I don't think listening to only 3 minutes of one song is really doing them justice. I mean if you go to and listen to the 30 second sound bites of Opeth, they aren't that interesting either. I respect your opinion and would hope you would take the time to download all the samples of the demo, "The Black Well". I mean they are hardly big files... and if you don't like them, just delete them...
How you can say the guitar playing is uninspired, is beyond me...
I found it quite boring as well. Nothing impressive in any way. I dislike them not because they aren't Opeth, but because they haven't got anything to offer thats worth accepting.
So let me get this staright, you decided to use a form of subtrefuge (sp?) to get people to try out the band.....

What is this... 'Do as I say and not as I do'........ Lora would be PROUD! :grin: :rolleyes:
Hardly the same thing.

I have no affilation to the band and the sound files are available for everyone to listen to. I thought I would share with some other people on this forum, since I do appreciate when they tell me about bands I didn't know about. I'm a little surprised that the few people who were nice enough to respond don't care for them... As an Opeth fan, I thought others would appreciate this style of music too. I've let my other friend's (who like Opeth) listen to this band and every single one of them has come away impressed... but then again, they are my friend's, so maybe they are lying to me... lol! Everyone has a right to their opinion. I do want to thank those people who bothered to download the files, even if you didn't like them... in the spirit of a true music fan, you took a chance, which is great. I love hearing new bands... so if anyone has suggestions... please shoot them my way.