Home Recording and Mastering


New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2007
I looked briefly and couldnt find a music tech. style thread/forum on this site... so i thought i would start one!! :grin:

I'm putting together a home studio and was just looking for recording/mastering tips and techniques, and any equipment recommendations anyone can give. I've got an AS level qualification in music tech, so I obviously dont have a full view on the subject. It might be useful for anyone else here looking to put their own demos together as well.

Thanks in advance for your replies!
I'm currently using a set of low budget kit that works well enough for demos, but is a bit low-q for decent recording:

- Red5 Audio RV6 studio condenser with phantom power supply
- ZOOM MRS multitrack recorder
- Windows XP PC with Drumsite V1.3, nTrack Studio 4, and Guitar Pro 5
- Set of Behringer XM1800S vocal mics
- Laney LX120H head with a Behringer BG412 cab
- Nady Encore GT1 wireless guitar transmitter
- ZOOM 505II guitar multieffects unit
- Digitech Grunge distortion pedal
- PRS Tremonti SE with chrome pickup covers
- Squire Showmaster strat
- Unbranded 12 string acoustic with pickup

Thats all I can think of atm lol :p if I think of anything else I will edit this post.
Anyone care to share their set up or recommend any other useful kit?