home recordings


New Metal Member
Oct 14, 2007
I was wondering if you guys had any tips for home recording sounds. I have Magix studio,a snowball mic, all good equipment... yet it sounds like complete ass D:

When i record my stuff i get disgusting bass overtones from my guitar that blot out the good sounds and its basically impossible to clean them out

the drumset on solo sounds amazingly good, yet when i mix it in with the guitars [which sound like ass anyways] you cant hear the drums or it will sound like garbage or extremly crisp and gross

any tips on what to do?

i record in a carpeted room with naked walls, its a guest bedroom so it isnt too small or too large. ive thought about hanging blankets in the space around whatever is recording,
maybe it will cut some of the tones out... i dont know

i noticed in your studio pictures that you had something similar around the kit so maybe my idea will work, although any tips from the pro's would be appriciated :D
I'm not a pro but i've used some pro equipment and recorded stuff myself.
I know the kind of sounds your talking about, if you can use the EQ to tamper with the bottom ends, and lower frequencies.
This should take out the sluggish bassy sound your getting from the guitar and hopefully that'll help with the drum sound too.
Or use Cubase SX3, this pro software has built in EQ abilities so you can adjust it that way.
Basically I'd suggest playing with that software if you can afford it or download it somewhere illegaly :rolleyes:.
Failing all this I'd suggest investing in some better equipment, or renting out a studio briefly.
Hope I helped a bit.

Suicide Silence Fan 1.0

Aside from what he just said if all else fails id HIGHLY recommend investing in a Line6 guitar port. Its a guitar emulator, and you can get any sound you want out of it. Without the amp, the mic, or any of that. Just plug your guitar into it and that into the computer and presto! No EQing, muddy bass sound. Its only 100 bucks too. Look it up on musicians friend or guitarcenter.com or something.

plus you can listen to some samples thats been recorded with it.
but if you want i can direct you towards a bands myspace that i know for a fact uses it on there recording and you can listen to them and see if your sold.
The first thing you need to do is just open up an EQ and start off by soloing each track and start taking out some of the low mids (Between 250-315hz). Pretty much every instrument creates those tones and they do not sound nice to the human ears. I'd suggest just starting it off by taking out little by little on each instrument. That is basically where I start after I put on compressors and such.