Homo Rhapsody lyrics

Kvlt Wench

sews no mercy
Jun 23, 2003
San Francisco
LOM and I were discusing Rhapsody, and I mentioned the song about the dude crying about his dragon dying, so he sent me these.

"Oh, cruel, destiny... The tears soon covered the warrior's face and Tharos,
the beloved dragon, spread his wings for the last time, happy to have found
the freedom at least in death... Fly... fly high, mighty Tharos... Your name
will always be remembered by the people of the enchanted lands... and your
memory will march with us forever against the hordes of the black lord for
the salvation of the enchanted lands. Goodbye, brother... goodbye...!!"

-Symphony of Enchanted Lands

Those have to be the gayest lyrics ever.
my brother listens to that shit. but...... if you really wanna hear gay, listen to metallica.
Ah, ah, *quickly searching for an excuse for knowing Rhapsody lyrics* the only reason I know those lyrics is because I looked them up on darklyrics.com. *nods*
it depends what the song is based on, i guess, if it's based on an actual story I guess its not bad

if the lyricist just made that shit up because he thinks its 'cool', then its pretty gay
"it depends what the song is based on, i guess, if it's based on an actual story I guess its not bad"

It's the way it is written that makes it terrible.

blah......fuck you

sto·ry1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (stôr, str)
n. pl. sto·ries
An account or recital of an event or a series of events, either true or fictitious, as:
"it doesnt seem badly written, looks like a spoken passage for the end of a song"

Maybe not, but it is stupid. It is too schmaltzy. It would have been much better with more imagery, instead of the sappy phrases, such as, "Oh, cruel, destiny..."
they're italian, they have to compensate for the lack of hand gestures allowed in music to express emotion
haha! i've gotta comment on this! as someone who actually listens to this stuff and DOES enjoy it... oh god... yeah the lyrics are fucking horendeous (my spelling is the king), the song is about a story that goes through each album and gets longer and longer.... now this story is really long and involves a nordic warrior, an ice warrior, a dark lord and tons of other rediculous other fantasy cliche characters... and is written so badly its fucking insane! just check out the lyrics if your curious.. its terrible... but i cant deny, they play their music well.... ahem.. in my lame ass opinion... and now, i might as well skip away and enjoy the EoR CD.. ahh im so happy it came out early... ahhh :D