Honestly...Does Anyone Hate Amon Amarth???

Oct 26, 2002
Other than the people who don't like heavy metal at all?

Most people in the metal scene (and many of my brothers and sisters at UltimateMetal.com) at least have respect for this great Swedish death metal/Viking band.

I'm pretty sure they will never go mainstream...their sound just won't. But to metal fans, they will be loved.

Have you heard anyone say anything bad about Amon Amarth?
The worst I've heard is people saying they're basically releasing the same album over and over again. Maybe, maybe not, but I think that's the closest to hating them I've heard of.
The closest thing of expressing hate whe talking about AA is when people don't agree with me when I try to shove the fact that AA is the best swedish band around down their throats.

I don't think I've heard anyone say anything negative about them except from something I read somewhere:

"I think they should concentrate on playing tight instead of headbanging in sync" or something like that.
Anyone who considers themselves a true metalhead and doesn't like amon amarth shall be struck down by the hammer of thor and the spear of oden. Actually its kind of hard to say because amon amarth is metal beyond metal, but who gives a fuck? its AMON AMARTH we're talking about alright!? AMON AMARTH!! Need I say more? No!!
One part about that question i forgot to respond about was the part where it said amon amarth will probably never go mainstream... isn't that a good thing. listen to metallica and see for your self what going mainstream did to them. it is for the best that AA stay underground. most of the best music available, if not all is underground.
Tomasz said:
Amon Amarth is not underground. They're signed to a big label and sell thousands of CDs (though don't see much $$ out of it).

This is true but it depends on what your definition of underground is. to me, an underground band is a band that doesn't get up in your face and rant and rave about how you have to buy their records or they'll sell your parents into slavery in some third world country, and force you to spend the rest of your life castrating hyena's with your tongue. Why it is that those types of bands seem to always produce shitty music as opposed to how bands like AA, Death, and Nile produce incredible music is a bit unexplainable. but regardless of whether or not amon amarth is underground or not, it doesn't change the fact that amon amarth is one of the best bands in history, right?
Oden's Blade said:
force you to spend the rest of your life castrating hyena's with your tongue.

Come on, we all know true vikings would use their teeth and bit them suckers off, then force the hyena's to eat them, just cuz they can do it and get away with it.

or something like that.....
Fleshcrawl said:
hey guys...
do you really think a guy who hates AA would post in an AA related Forum? Not really hehehe....:p

Maybe some masochistic pervert hahahah! :loco:

Well, stuff like that isn't that uncommon, especially not on Internet forums. I've never heard anyone say anything negative about them IRL (crap that sounds geeky), though.
I heard some words of hatred once. That Amon Amarth play shitty swedish. But that guy listens to some strange variations of core, so i dont think he was truly understanding what he was saying.
Every motherfucker I hang with likes Amon Amarth and here I'm speaking everyone from fucking frostbitten grim BM trolls to me' hiphop homiez (hey at least they dont listen to punk rock) and the only time I heard someone badmouth Amon Amarth...umm yeah there was one motherfucker who said they were drab melodeath but he was just one of those Swedish pussies that are never happy with anything so fuck him.