Honestly...Does Anyone Hate Amon Amarth???

Fleshcrawl said:
hey guys...
do you really think a guy who hates AA would post in an AA related Forum? Not really hehehe....:p

Maybe some masochistic pervert hahahah! :loco:

Dude!!!!! Hell yeah some would i dont know how many different board ive been in my life but i can tell you that no matter what the subject of the board is some dude out of no where comes to tell you that this is shit or whatever... there is always some "haters" of whatever somewhere that dont have any life and take there times to come tell you that you shouldnt like that or this.
Yeah, Amon Amarth is pretty much loved by all. Never met a metalhead who dislikes them...well, maybe one or two TR00 KVLT NEKRO GRYM NSBM fucktards, but they hate everything but TROO KVLT...etc. anyway. Fuck 'em. I think AA's secret is that they just have a sound and theme that appeals to all metalheads...everyone likes Vikings destroying things, especially when set to kickass music. They're brutal enough for the Stockholm scene (Good call on Dismember, Patric), melodic enough for the Gothenburg scene, technical enough for the proggies, tr00 enough for the power heads, have enough riffs for the thrashers, and hate Jesus enough for the vast majority of the BM fans. It's the perfect combination.
now im not positive, but i dont think metal blade are really a major lable, now granted they sell a whole shit load of albums, but can they compare with the likes of geffen, sony, jive, anything like that, no. so theres my two cents on amon amarth's underground status
taste_of_flames said:
OK, and yr point? this is just the 101 BM rule, but who cares? this 101 is pretty stereotypical and has been posted here b4. This "make yr own BM band" link is the perfect link of what BM should not be, a guideline for every jackass to come up with a BM band that sounds like all the other ones. Anyways, my point was that BM isn't just filled with fan/bands singing anthems to "we hate jebus".
taste_of_flames said:
oops, one more, if i can talk to the most "underground" mainstream person i know (think spineshank count as underground) and they havent herd AA, they are underground(in my book), but thats me
101 BM rules?, what the fuck is that, never heard of it nor will I waste my time reading this teenage "bush league psycho stuff". Speaking of BM Belgar, going to check out Samael tomorrow? I'm there already. It will be some emotional times tomorrow for me as they were my favourite at one time.

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amon amarth cant be hated!! its impossible! there too heavy to melodic, to agressive and to fucking true metal!!!!!!!! there one of the best metal band period.

yeah some fag rap fan mite say shit! fuck them they likje rap what do they know?.
Someone told me that they are not a tight band, but then they won't say much of anything again, 'cause that's my little brother, there, and I don't take that kind of shit. They rule, and that's all there is to it.