Hong Kong Asian Market

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
Nasty place! Yesterday me, my brother, and my cousin went to this Asian grocery store. See, my cousin wants to be a missionary in China, so now he's on this China this, China that kind of thing. He called me yesterday and said he was going to this place but his mom didn't want him to go alone (bad part of town) and asked if me and my brother would go, so I said sure, why not? Well, we walked into this place and were met with a most foul odor of fish!!!!! They had tanks of fish in the back, live fish, just piled on top of each other int he tanks. It was nasty. And then, my cousing bought a few things from their bakery, all of which were extremely nasty, especially this sesame seed, red bean, rice ball thing. Today I'm paying for tasting that, as well as the raisin bread thing and the hot dog roll thing in which the weenies tasted like rubbing alcohol. That place was just nasty period!!!!! I've had a very light appetite ever since. ughghghuhghhhhhhhhhhhhhh(puking sound):cry: :cry: :cry:
he he he. after we had been totally disgusted, i don't know why, but we ate at a chinese restaurant! but the night ended well. we stopped by K-mart where we watched some of Harry Potter on their T.V.s, then we went to a movie place where I bought Six Feet Under's Maximum Video.