Hooray For Snow!!!


Blonde to the bone
Jun 11, 2002
The Petting Zoo
It's snowing in Seattle, something of a rarity, and the Furnamic Duo LOVES Snow!!! How could I resist a few candid shots?

Look out here's Starbreaker, cruisin' into town:


See Star run. Run, Star, run!


Wrestlemania 2006 would hardly be complete without the German snow-wrestling competition! But apparently there's no Nevermore T-Shirt at this exhibition? Hmmm. Well, I guess that gives me something to work on for next time.


Whew! That was loads of fun! But now I'm all wet. Hmmm -- What to do? Well looky here -- who needs a towel when Mommy's bed is all warm and dry?!


Of course, being of the older, and more respectful generation, Tinker is a little more lady-like:


Goddess but I love the snow!

*happy dance*
Typically I like the snow, but I have to work outside all next week, and its going to be 20 degress and snowing. :(

I'm in the same boat, except it won't be 20 degrees here. But I do enjoy taking my truck out in the snow and we hardly ever get any so it's all worth it. In fact I already went and played around a little bit, but most of the streets are too well traveled to be very snowy.
I love snow...It doesn't seem we're gonna have any soon here in Slovenia :( It's fucking 15°C outside and it rains
BTW very cute dogies :)
LOL -- I'm in Renton -- yeah, I'd be settin' that alarm 15 minutes early if I were you. :D

Yea the thing that sucks is that I have a long driveway that goes downhill so if it's too slick, I won't be able to make it down. Last year when we got snow here, I tried using my neighbor's car (four-wheel drive) to make it out of the driveway (my driveway is a private driveway for me and the house next door). I couldn't even move the damn car in 4-Low.

So if it snows, it's a snow day for me! I guess I'll go to bed and see what the morning holds!
Actually since last night here in Chilliwack, BC, we've got about a foot to a foot and a half of snow. I seemed to be one of the only ones brave enough to drive around today... It was fun... I drove sideways for about 1/4 of a kilometer. Was fun. My Jeep rules <3
Your rotties are so cute!!!!
They look so happy!

I really love the first time dogs see snow... 3 years ago, Shrike went out in the snow
and he had this look of: "omg mom, what happned to the world?!" haha :lol:

I'm so jealous its snowing there! It hasn't started yet here,
and I can't wait to go SKI already!!!!

Great pictures, Carrie :)
Once my cat (the dumb one) jumped of the balcony and landed on the snow - it was quite a shock for him as he never saw the snow before and didn't realize it was wet and the whole jumping from second flor experience was new for him... He was confused for a week
Now we have a glazed balcony