Hooray For Snow!!!

*hugs DL*

*Goes outside and blows REALLY hard for a REALLY long time*

*passes out*

*comes to with dogs licking face*

*wipes crystalized drool off face, makes snow ball, and puts in envelope*

What's your address?

A snow ball, for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee????????
May I play with it? May I hold it?
May I???

*quickly PMs address to Carrie and runs to sit by the mail box*

pics i took with the webcam



mmm snowday hopefully tomorrow, the wind doesn't blow, and there are well below 0 C outside, around 12F. clouds are allover the place
The temp is still low enough for snow but either way, I'm still going to go into work late tomorrow considering that I'm up so late. :lol: Hey! Ice can still form!

yeah. even if we don't have late start i'm skipping accounting, fuck that shit.
i still hope for a snowday

/me makes a snowball and throws it at Vera from a few good thousands miles away. Let me know in 8 hours if you received a huge amount of snow in there
It snowed last night just enough to create a sheet of ice on everything. And then the temperature dropped so low (The high for today was 19 degrees F not including windchill) that it never melted again. Was fun getting to work today.
It snowed last night just enough to create a sheet of ice on everything. And then the temperature dropped so low (The high for today was 19 degrees F not including windchill) that it never melted again. Was fun getting to work today.

the max here was like 20, it was so much ice.... people didn't get home from monday night football for like 12hours. pWnz0rzzorz