Horrible band alert ^_^

police brutaltiy
(verse) mace in your face in a shoe up your ass fuck police brutaltiy

(chours) fuck the cops we hate the cops fuck the cops fuck them

fuck the cops we hate the cops we hate the cops fuck the cops fuck them!!!!!!!

(verse) riot clubs and guns they kill people for fun

chours again

Hey... give them a break. Look at how COOL and TOUGH this guy is:


I think you guys are being a bit harsh.

Can ya give the little tackers a little credit for having a go?

I wish I was in a band when I was 8 - 14 years old.

They are doing a lot better than I am in the music industry.

Vut still, their music is poathetic. But at least they have time to progress, and maybe their music will grow up with them. Maybe I'm being to optimistic.
You have to admit though. Little boy vocals r0q.

I also noticed how they used that "we're a shitty nu-metal band" font for their logo. Couldn't have picked a better one.

There doesn't seem to be much shining talent seeping through the cracks. But, like Kush said at least they're having fun. They don't give a shit what anyone thinks. (As a matter a fact, it sounds like they don't! :lol: ) Not yet anyway...

Very goofable though. Wow.
This is something I normally stay away from but all of you are FUCKING PATHETIC. When you were that age what the fuck were you doing. Playing water guns and Magic the Gathering probably. They are fucking kids, can't you all find something different to make you feel good about yourselves.
Originally posted by leadfoot256
This is something I normally stay away from but all of you are FUCKING PATHETIC. When you were that age what the fuck were you doing. Playing water guns and Magic the Gathering probably. They are fucking kids, can't you all find something different to make you feel good about yourselves.

We're always looking for something/someone to rag on :D

I allow myself to rag on others, because I rag on myself all the time, so I want to spread the wealth.
This is something I normally stay away from but all of you are FUCKING PATHETIC. They are fucking kids, can't you all find something different to make you feel good about yourselves.

Pfft! :lol: What?! Are you their manager or something?

That's it, leadfoot, just clump us all together as one big pile of poo...like you've never taken part in something similar. You're just an angel, aren't ya? You make it sound like your shit doesn’t stink. :p As I mentioned before, it doesn't matter what we think about it because they're going to have fun no matter what we say. Our words can't hurt them here. They're in their own little world.

Zodiac Demoniac sounds twice as funny to me because I don't know what he's saying. Gotta love that pic on the MP3 site. :lol:

"Clasped in my lims by tradition.
This is all you need."