
hoyn said:
Haha, that was änna klockrent!
Hehe man vafan vi har ju hemska ordspråk som "hjælp med at holde Helsingør rent-hvis en svensker til den nærmeste færge". Hahah jävla nord-araber oss danskar altså...
maybe we should make an agreement. We don't teach them how to cook a dog and they don't make metal. Any metal.

what do you think folks?
If I'd tell you I'd have to make you listen to it.
Nothing special about Norsk Arysk Black Metal. Just a quote from the 101 rules of BM a link to which I saw somewhere here in UM almost a year ago.
I listen to pretty fucking every metal.
INDUSTRIAL* and all combinations.... like Orphaned Land, that at first was charchtarized as "Oriental Black Metal"..... But there's a certain accent on death, melodic and technical.

But being from Israel suggests I'm pretty dangerous, eh :Smokin: :Shedevil: :kickass: :headbang: :wave:
Belgar said:
Isn't Israel a peaceful nation ... you know like the bible says love thy neighbour cough cough .... or something, but again you gotta learn the read between the lies.

np - Forefather - Iron Hand.
The Jews dont believe in the new testament, the old one goes more like; a eye for a eye ...
burning creation said:
sounds good... leave the metal to those who were born into it

I seriously hope you're just kidding. Chances are you're not, since you don't have a sense of humor and can't tell that the whole viking thing is a JOKE and shouldn't be taken seriously.

You guys listen to Amon Amarth without flinching but then are outraged at a bunch when someone else pretends to be viking? Yeah, I don't see the contradiction there...
let me guess... ur one of the faggots in this ummmm Band??? i guess thats the word.... band....

u see, the thing is. amon amarth are from sweden... a "Scandinavian" country. plus they look like some total viking crush your skull and drink all kinds of mead type guys. so... ya... they got all the right in the world to proclaim themselves as vikings. but... these other guys. i dont remember there name and im not going to that link again or ill get an anurism or some shit. these other guys are from korea or whatever the fuck it was. and they claim to be viking? its just wrong. and if you dont see whats wrong with that your a stupid fuck tard and need to just not read the forums anymore cuz you suck and your a whiny cry baby bitch! i mean shit. expand this idea a little bit... if theres korean vikings.... how about... "African" vikings. or "Mexican" vikings. its just not right. well anyway i forget what i was talking about. all thats important is that you suck!
i'm an aussie tasmanian hebrew monkey chicken burger! BEAT THAT FOUR EYES hahaah fuck what a lame call.......
BTW check this out ahhahaah stupid bitch!
DemonsAndLies666 said:
let me guess... ur one of the faggots in this ummmm Band??? i guess thats the word.... band....

u see, the thing is. amon amarth are from sweden... a "Scandinavian" country. plus they look like some total viking crush your skull and drink all kinds of mead type guys. so... ya... they got all the right in the world to proclaim themselves as vikings. but... these other guys. i dont remember there name and im not going to that link again or ill get an anurism or some shit. these other guys are from korea or whatever the fuck it was. and they claim to be viking? its just wrong. and if you dont see whats wrong with that your a stupid fuck tard and need to just not read the forums anymore cuz you suck and your a whiny cry baby bitch! i mean shit. expand this idea a little bit... if theres korean vikings.... how about... "African" vikings. or "Mexican" vikings. its just not right. well anyway i forget what i was talking about. all thats important is that you suck!

Wow, grow up.

Just because Amon Amarth are Swedish, have long blond hair and beards, and drink mead doesn't mean they're Viking. Unless, of course, you can point me to archaeological evidence of a 11th century electric guitar.

Amon Amarth make good music and they totally fucking kick ass live, but face it, the whole Viking thing is just a joke.

By the way, Total Fucking Necro is a demo by the band Anaal Nathrakh. Then again, you already knew that, seeing how you were "born into metal".