
burning creation said:
Oh My God Shut The Fuck Up You Stupid Fucking Cunt I Want To Fucking Break Your Neck You Cocksucking Fuck-ass

Just ignore him, last month it was tenaka, before that was mekane, maybe it's the same dipshit coming up with different names. Those two aren't posting anymore, this one'll be gone soon enough.

Just think about how infested most of the other boards are with fucking retards.
yeah good point. my patience level is at an all time low. I have so much fucking stress right now. I applied for an almost guaranteed job but I was "over-qualified", right now I have to right my speech for graduation cause Im fucking valedictorian, and not to mention the lack of sleep... blaaaah whatever, fucking trolls... I cant get no respect!!!
there was a tenaka?
and how come im always argueing with ppl on here.... generaly argueing with faggots on here.... damn faggots. prolly cuz they piss me off...

Wow, grow up.

Just because Amon Amarth are Swedish, have long blond hair and beards, and drink mead doesn't mean they're Viking. Unless, of course, you can point me to archaeological evidence of a 11th century electric guitar.

Amon Amarth make good music and they totally fucking kick ass live, but face it, the whole Viking thing is just a joke.

By the way, Total Fucking Necro is a demo by the band Anaal Nathrakh. Then again, you already knew that, seeing how you were "born into metal".

well anyway mrs.necro. if u knew anything about amon amarth they dont proclaim themselves as vikings anyway. they just sing about vikings u stupid faggot. and singing a song about vikings a completely acceptable idea. Bands sing about things and tell storys through music. thats the way music is and always will be. bring me some evidence of every necro band doing necro stuff. its not gonna happen cuz not all of them have done it. they just sing about it. so how about you just face it.... you dont know jack shit about what ur talking about! and jack left town.
If it's a completely acceptable idea to sing about being Viking, why is it so unacceptable for this band to be doing it? Because they're not of Scandinavian heritage? That's just stupid. It's not exactly like Amon Amarth are that much more Viking than any member of the band, and it wouldn't make a difference anyway, since it's just a story that the band is telling.
What the fuck are you talking about? You've just contradicted yourself and you seem to think you've won. First you said this,

DemonsAndLies666 said:
u see, the thing is. amon amarth are from sweden... a "Scandinavian" country. plus they look like some total viking crush your skull and drink all kinds of mead type guys. so... ya... they got all the right in the world to proclaim themselves as vikings. but... these other guys. i dont remember there name and im not going to that link again or ill get an anurism or some shit. these other guys are from korea or whatever the fuck it was. and they claim to be viking? its just wrong. and if you dont see whats wrong with that your a stupid fuck tard and need to just not read the forums anymore cuz you suck and your a whiny cry baby bitch! i mean shit. expand this idea a little bit... if theres korean vikings.... how about... "African" vikings. or "Mexican" vikings. its just not right.

but then you decided to change your whole position on the argument, switching to my side.

DemonsAndLies666 said:
they just sing about vikings u stupid faggot. and singing a song about vikings a completely acceptable idea. Bands sing about things and tell storys through music. thats the way music is and always will be.

And since I just elaborated on what I mean, you now seem to think that I was agreeing with you and admitting defeat.
That's funny, aren't you the guy who was just complaining about how stressed I was making you? Looks like you're the one who needs to get out more.
You missed the point of my whole post. You're the one who admitted that they're wrong, because your original stance was that it DOES make a difference whether they're Viking or not. Now you seem to pretend that you never said that, but it's right here:

they got all the right in the world to proclaim themselves as vikings

From the beginning, I said that if Amon Amarth, who are clearly not actual Vikings, are allowed to sing about Vikings, then this band, who are clearly not actual Vikings, are allowed to sing about being Vikings. You originally said the opposite, but now you agree with me. Thus, you're the one who "lost".
they got all the right in the world to proclaim themselves as vikings... that doesnt mean they DO. it just gives them a little more right then it does other parts of the world. i never said that they ARE vikings. they sing about vikings yes but me saying that has nothing to do with the fact that i said they ARE vikings (which i didnt say). and i never agreed with you so i dont know where the fuck you get that from. thus you are the one who is "Jewish".
trust me i know what im talking about. i have more expierience argueing with idiots on this bord then you. not much more of this before everyone on here runs you out of town and gets u banned from um for being a faggot.
ya thats kinda what i mean to say.
i couldnt give a shit realy if they did proclaim themselves as anything is just the fact that he is a total nimrod and stuff...
sorry. thought everyone knew by now i cant resist yellin at faggots =\
thats a shit sorry song. There's nothing viking about this music at all. It sounds like the old shitty power/melodeath crap this band I was in made..
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:

Where the fuck are that kid's parents?

Here's a good one:
"I found another kool band to listen too....GooD CHARLOTE THEY FUCKING ROCK! I bought one of thier cds today. Last night was a bad night.....I have the scars to prove it on my arms, not even my spiked wrists cuffs can hide my pain, my scars that this life has caused me. Raven still wont kiss me...if this goes on i dont kno if i can take it."