hospital tomorrow!

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
i'm gonna get my damn leg FINALLY checked out. hip bursitis is what i've been suspecting, so if they have to drain it out i hope i get to keep the fluid to show all you guys.
hah i have to go to the emergency room and lie and just say, "my leg is hurting real bad all of a sudden and there's a bump in it!"
my insurance from texas won't cover a doctor visit out of state but will cover an ER visit but with a $250 copayment, which i've been saving for.
i'm just nervous about callling my mom to tell her, shes gonna freak on me :erk:
its about time you're getting that checked out. lets hope they can do something about it.

*fondly recalls the first thread about it*

ahhhhhhhh silver panties....
they didn't do shite for me except prescribe me the equivalent of aleve and tell me to see my doctor in 2-3 days, all of which cost me a nice $250. so now i'm getting ready to leave for texas on saturday to have it looked further into.
the doctor i saw today was a bastard, he was in and out before he could even tell me what he thought was wrong with me. and he told me he was coming back but he never did, just sent a nurse to me with my paperwork and i was on my way. so yeah. i'm extremely poopy right now as is chromatose.